At the end of the course, the student:
• will have expanded his/her repertoire/ knowledge of contemporary British popular culture.
• is able to articulate what popular culture entails in general, and British popular culture specifically and how the latter may be contextualised historically.
• is able to develop a theoretical frame for an analysis of an independently chosen instance of British popular culture, using the secondary texts that have been discussed in class.
• is able to apply critical concepts in analyses of popular culture in different media.
• is able to apply critical concepts in an oral presentation about an instance of popular culture chosen of is/her choice.
This elective course will study contemporary British popular culture from a variety of theoretical perspectives with the aim of developing the critical tools for an academic discussion of instances of popular culture. We will discuss what popular culture is, what kind of topics, theoretical perspectives and methodologies are central to a discipline like popular culture studies and how the British situation may be explained historically. By studying examples of popular films, TV series, music etc. students will also expand their knowledge of internationally influential and often commercially successful British cultural products. Screenings of (extracts from) films and TV series are an obligatory element of the programme.
The course is set up in such a way that one week will be devoted to the discussion of a particular theoretical perspective, and the next to presentations by students in which this perspective is applied to topics of their own choosing. |
Course 'Reading Literature' (English Language and Culture, B1), or a similar course.
- participation
- oral presentation
- literature review