At the end of the course, you will:
- understand and be able to reproduce the basic concepts and methodologies used in L2 acquisition research;
- be able to read and evaluate the gist of primary literature;
- understand different theoretical approaches to L2 acquisition and be able to compare and evaluate them;
- be able to describe and evaluate different factors which play a role in L2 acquisition;
- be able to analyse L2 data and relate them to relevant theories;
- be able to identify (unanswered) questions in L2 acquisition research and make relevant predictions;
- be capable of synthesising this newly acquired knowledge into a research proposal, which might serve as the basis for a BA thesis.
In this course we examine how adults and children acquire a second language (L2). This involves looking at similarities and differences with first language acquisition, the role of factors such as age, motivation and aptitude in L2 acquisition, and the implications of second language acquisition research for teaching. Apart from discussing theoretical notions from the field, we will also consider how to measure, analyze and interpret L2 learner data. In doing so, we will pay specific attention to research methodology.
Note that course differs from the Second Language Acquisition course offered to BA Linguistics students.