The BA thesis—a research paper of 20 to 30 pages—marks the completion of the bachelor phase. The thesis will be written during the 3rd and 4th period of the third year. Students select a topic linked to one of the four specialties within the programme: linguistics, historical linguistics and literature, English/American literature or American Studies. It is strongly advised that the thesis is related to one or more courses taken in the first, second or third year. The BA thesis is approached like a take-home exam for which there are two deadlines, one in June and a resit opportunity in August. The aim of the BA thesis course is to guide students through the various stages of the writing process and to help them meet the required deadline as indicated on the exam schedule. During the meetings students will receive practical advice about the BA thesis and will work on the following: the selection of a suitable topic, the demarcation of a research question, the preparation of the “one-pager” and a research proposal. Students should also expect group work, informal presentations and peer review practices. During the same period, students will have a series of meetings with their thesis supervisors. Please note that there will be no thesis supervision in July and August.