Medieval History 2
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleLET-GESB104-CEH
Credits (ECTS)5
CategoryB1 (First year bachelor)
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Arts; History;
PreviousNext 2
dr. L.S. van Raaij
Other course modules lecturer
dr. L.S. van Raaij
Other course modules lecturer
dr. B. Roest
Other course modules lecturer
dr. M.R. Shaffer
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
dr. M.R. Shaffer
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2022
PER 4  (10/04/2023 to 03/09/2023)
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesNo
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
Upon completion of this course, you are able to:
  • describe and make connections between the principal debates and key concepts of the political, social, economic, and cultural history of the medieval period;
  • apply your knowledge and understanding of this history when completing assignments provided by the lecturer;
  • independently apply and reflect on the basic competencies of a historian, in particular:
    • searching, selecting, and processing literature, sources, and bibliographic tools with a critical and investigative attitude;
    • summarizing and analyzing (academic) literature and sources;
    • structuring a written, academic text in correct English;
    • expressing acquired knowledge and insights both verbally and in writing, in correct English
The course Medieval History is one of the four period survey courses given during the first year of the Bachelor Comparative History. The other periods are Classical Antiquity, Early Modern History and Modern History. Together these period courses provide a global survey of current scholarly insights in European history from Antiquity up and until the present. Within this survey, the course Medieval History (I & II) covers the medieval history of Europe and its neighbours from late Antiquity until the fifteenth century (roughly from 500 to 1500 CE).
Without the developments that originated in this period, Europe as it is today would have been completely different. In essence, the topographical map of Europe has emerged during the medieval period. Likewise, many European cities of importance today have medieval roots. During the medieval period, phenomena emerged such as merchant capitalism, the European vernacular languages, banking and credit systems, parliaments, and universities. The medieval period also saw the beginnings of the creation of personal conscience and individuality in the modern sense of the word, as well as enduring methods of textual criticism and hermeneutics. Finally, during the medieval period Christianity became Europe’s dominant religion, a position it still maintains. In this course, we will discuss and contextualise these phenomena.
The course Medieval History II focuses in particular on the regions that would later be called France, England, and Germany, as well as on societies within the Mediterranean (esp. the Iberian Peninsula and the Byzantine and Islamic regions).

Presumed foreknowledge

Test information


Required materials
Title:Medieval Europe. A Short History
Author:J. Bennett and S. Bardsley
Publisher:Oxford: OUP, 2021
Learning Management System (Brigthspace)

Instructional modes
Attendance MandatoryYes

Written Exam (CIRRUS)
Test weight100
Test typeDigital exam with CIRRUS
OpportunitiesBlock PER 4, Block PER 4

Minimum grade