The student is able to write a research proposal for an external funding application and is able to:
- Present academic content in conformity with the selection criteria and the preferences of the grant making institution
- Balance the requirements of academic research and outreach
- Design a realistic and adequate work plan
- Formulate a realistic and adequate budget of all relevant project costs
This course consists of writing a funding proposal, either for a national or international institution funding academic research or for a grant maker for public and cultural projects. The proposal may or may not be linked to your internship and/or your Master’s thesis. There is no fixed order of internship, article, proposal and thesis. Of course, if your thesis is envisaged as a pilot for a more ambitious and encompassing PhD project, it makes sense to complete the thesis first.
By default, your tutor is also the supervisor of the proposal, but not necessarily. For instance, if the proposal is linked to your thesis and your thesis supervisor is not your tutor.
If the student chooses the academic option for the proposal, a review procedure similar to the NWO procedure for a PhD stipend will be simulated. If the student opts for a funding application for a cultural project for a wider audience, the procedure of the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds will be copied. The proposal will be reviewed by the course coordinator and the tutor/supervisor. An interview will be part of the evaluation.