Research Master Thesis Art and Visual Culture
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleLET-HLCS-AVC15
Credits (ECTS)30
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Arts; Graduate School;
prof. dr. M.E. Monteiro
Other course modules lecturer
prof. dr. M.E. Monteiro
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
prof. dr. M.E. Monteiro
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2021
JAAR  (06/09/2021 to 30/08/2022)
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesNo
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
You are capable of designing and executing original research in the historical / cultural / literary humanities on a professional level. This includes that you are able:
1.   to define a relevant topic, embedded in current scholarly debates, and to design an original research question, founded in relevant theories;
2.   to collect the primary material and professional literature systematically and completely;
3.   to develop a methodologically sound argument;
4.   to report in a clear, well-organised and convincing manner, in accordance with high academic standards;
5.   to provide a substantial contribution to knowledge in the field and to scholarly discourse in the humanities.
The general goal of the Research Master thesis HLCS is to demonstrate your ability to conduct independent scientific research within your discipline. This means you can offer an original interpretation of the selected subject matter and apply this to (discipline-)specific knowledge and debates. With this thesis, you will demonstrate your ability to design and execute scholarly research under a reasonable extent of supervision and report on the results in a professional academic form. Typical for a research master thesis is the insight it demonstrates into the specific nature of one or more disciplinary traditions and theories, the opening up of new (inter- or cross-disciplinary) horizons of knowledge
and the presentation of creative insights and solutions.

The preparation in the second semester exists of a (collective) seminar and individual meetings with the  supervisor to design and discuss the thesis subject. Upon these meetings  the thesis agreement will be filled out and signed by two instructors (supervisor and second reader) and the student.
1st meeting: plenary information seminar about writing a master thesis (May; coordinator research master) 
2nd meeting: tutorial on the research topic and on the supervision of the thesis (May; tutor/supervisor) 
3d meeting: tutorial on the research question and structure of the thesis; thesis agreement (June; supervisor).

Students can write the thesis in their third semester (deadline first submission January 15 2022; deadline second submission (March 15 2022)
or in their fourth semester (deadline first submission June 15 2022; deadline second submission August 15 2022).

Students have regular contact with their supervisor on the progress of there thesis.
Students may write a portion of their thesis under the supervision of another university at home or abroad or at a Dutch research school. In exceptional cases, students can appeal to the Board of Examiners to write the entire thesis abroad.

Presumed foreknowledge

Test information


Assumed previous knowledge
Art in its Historical Context, The Body in Art and Visual Culture, Theoretical Turns in the Humanities, Methods and Techniques in the Humanities en Contemporary Debates in the Humanities

Recommended materials
To be announced
Title:Varies per thesis

Instructional modes

Test weight100
Test typeProject
OpportunitiesBlock JAAR, Block JAAR

Minimum grade