Dutch (Business) Culture and Labour Market
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleLET-LETMI-DLCC01
Credits (ECTS)5
Language of instructionDutch
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Arts; Faculty of Arts (general);
I. Vonk, MA
Other course modules lecturer
I. Vonk, MA
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
I. Vonk, MA
Other course modules lecturer
I. Vonk, MA
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2022
PER 1-PER 2  (05/09/2022 to 29/01/2023)
Starting block
PER 1/  PER 3
Course mode
RemarksEntry requirement: Dutch proficiency A1 (CEFR)
Not suitable for native speakers of Dutch
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesYes
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
Upon completion of the course:
  • You will have gained deeper knowledge of culture and its impact on your own actions and behaviour.
  • You will have gained an insight into how culture affects how people react and how it affects interactions with others.
  • You will have gained an insight into aspects of Dutch culture and how these relate to your own and other cultures.
  • You will have become familiar with and have analysed different corporate cultures, so that you can assess which work environment suits you best.
  • You will be familiar with the Dutch labour market and have the skills to secure the position you want.
In the minor in Dutch Language, Culture and Communication, you will delve into various aspects of Dutch language and culture. The course Dutch (Business) Culture and Labour market will help you prepare for success in Dutch and international learning and working environments.

In this course, you will discover various aspects of Dutch culture. You will learn what culture is, explore the different layers of culture and how it affects how people react and interactions with others. We will examine various dimensions of culture based on theory and translate these into work-related aspects such as cooperation, feedback, decision-making and leadership. You will gain an insight into your own actions, assumptions and behaviour and how these relate to other cultures and Dutch culture.
We will apply this knowledge to various corporate cultures. You will investigate and analyse the culture of various Dutch companies and organisations. You will then identify the culture that most appeals to you and the environment that would suit you best. We will then link this to developments on the Dutch labour market and the skills needed to be successful.

Extra information
The target language of this course is Dutch; Dutch is therefore the main language of instruction. You are therefore encouraged to speak Dutch as much as possible during lectures and group assignments.
This course is NOT suitable for native speakers of Dutch.

Presumed foreknowledge
Dutch proficiency A1 (CEFR), after completing Social Dutch 2, beginners 1 or a certificate that demonstrates level A1

Test information

The target language of this course is Dutch; Dutch is therefore the main language of instruction. You are therefore encouraged to speak Dutch as much as possible during lectures and group assignments.
Required materials
To be announced

Instructional modes
Attendance MandatoryYes

Test weight100
Test typeProject
OpportunitiesBlock PER 2, Block PER 3

Minimum grade