Research Master Thesis
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleLET-REMAHLCSLS15
Credits (ECTS)30
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Arts; Graduate School;
Contactperson for the course
prof. dr. B.Y.A. Adriaensen
Other course modules lecturer
prof. dr. B.Y.A. Adriaensen
Other course modules lecturer
prof. dr. M.C.M. Corporaal
Other course modules lecturer
dr. L. Munteán
Other course modules lecturer
dr. E.M.A.F.M. Radar
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2016
JAAR  (29/08/2016 to 31/08/2017)
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesYes
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
  • The student is able to develop a coherent design for the topic, method and structure of a master thesis on research master level and is able to present this to a multidisciplinary audience in a transparent and appealing way.
  • The student can conduct independent research within his field of specialisation, and write a thesis that comes up to the requirements as specified in the assessment matrix of the HLCS-researchmasters.

Students will write a research thesis that draws on the knowledge acquired during the bachelor's programme and master's programme. Students will begin the initial preparations for their thesis during the second semester and must submit a completed version at the end of the fourth semester.

The preparation exists of two seminars and one individual meeting with the chosen supervisor to design and discuss the thesis subject. After these seminars and meeting the thesis agreement will be signed by two instructors (supervisor and second reader) and the student.

1st meeting: plenary information seminar about writing a master thesis (January; coordinator research master)
2nd meeting: disciplinary seminar with presentation and discussion of the thesis subjects (February; program coordinators HS, LS and AVC)
3d meeting: individual tutorial on the research question and structure of the thesis; thesis agreement (soon after 2nd meeting; supervisor)

The presentation part consists of a conference-like workshop in June in which students present their thesis to fellow students from all three HLCS-programmes and a wider audience. The organisation of this workshop is the responsibility of the students.
Students may write a portion of their thesis under the supervision of another university at home or abroad or at a Dutch research school. In exceptional cases, students can appeal to the Board of Examiners to write the entire thesis abroad.

Varies per thesis

Research Master

Test information
A thesis of 50 to 70 pages (approx. 25,000 words) assessed by two professors.Final Criteria Research Master Thesis: The thesis requirements follow from the objectives outlined in the research master in Art and Visual Culture. The thesis is the final component of the research master in Art and Visual Culture. The general goal is to demonstrate your ability to conduct independent scientific research within your selected discipline. This means you can offer a personal interpretation of the selected subject matter and apply this to discipline-specific knowledge and debates. The thesis will reveal your ability to design and execute literary research with minimal supervision and report on the results in publishable form. In addition to a mastery of general scientific skills, the thesis also demonstrates your insight into the specific nature of the (specialisations within the) Art and Visual Culture discipline. The thesis is based on relevant sources and current scholarly literature.Learning objectives: Capable of designing and executing original historical-scientific research at a professional level. This includes:(1) selecting a topic from the professional scientific discourse and devising a relevant and original research question;
(2) systematically collecting relevant sources and current scholarly literature;
(3) designing a methodologically sound and independent argument;
(4) presenting this argument in a clear and organised manner, in accordance with the rules of scientific accountability.Method of instruction: The master's thesis will be executed according to the research proposal and under individual supervision.

admitted to the Research Masters HLCS

Contact information
Dr. B. Adriaensen (B.Adriaensen@let.ru.nl)

Recommended materials
Varies per thesis

Instructional modes
Attendance MandatoryYes

Seminars and 1 individual meeting; individual supervision; one day workshop.

Test weight100
Test typeThesis
OpportunitiesBlock JAAR, Block JAAR