At the end of the course, the student:
• is able to recall basic information on canonical movies, figures, movements, dates and techniques of cinema from the French speaking world;
• is able to recall basic information on ‘Francophone world’ (geographically, historically, politically)
• is able to recall, explain and apply basic cultural and cinematographic concepts, theories and techniques to analyse contemporary francophone cinema;
• is able to interpret the movies studied during the course within the historical/cultural/political context (in particular with the challenges of the power inequalities in the French speaking world);
• is able to explain how such movies have contributed to collective identity formation and continue to influence the construction of such identities;
• is able to elucidate how cultural identities in present-day French speaking societies are constructed on the basis of geographical divides, class, gender and sexuality, religious background, ethnicity etc.
• is able to present a sound analysis of a chosen topic/movie from contemporary francophone cinema.
The course has two components: a ‘cinéclub’ (we will watch a selection of 10 canonical/well received movies) and lectures. These lectures provide an introduction to Cinema in French, examining productions from France, Québec, sub-Saharan Africa (Mali, Senegal), the Maghreb (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco), Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia). In the first part of the course, we will survey the most important historical and technical events of French cinema, analyse their relation with society and consider how they have come to shape collective identities. In the second part of the course, we will discuss various themes that will allow us to investigate contemporary changes and debates in the French speaking world (national identities, multiculturalism, (colonial) memory and trauma, social inequalities, gender and sexuality, religion and ‘laïcité’, etc.).
Passive knowledge in French.
1st periode:
2nd periode:
Language of the course: French
Deze cursus kan door minorstudenten ook in de luistertaalvariant gevolgd worden. Dat houdt in dat studenten die wel over voldoende receptieve kennis van het Frans beschikken om teksten te kunnen lezen en de colleges te kunnen volgen, maar wiens spreek- en schrijfvaardigheid in het Frans niet zo goed is, de mogelijkheid krijgen om bij deze cursus de opdrachten, presentaties, en toetsen in het Nederlands of Engels te maken. Bij tentamens is de vraagstelling dan in het Frans en mag je in het Nederlands of Engels antwoorden. Als je belangstelling hebt en zelf denkt dat je voldoende receptieve vaardigheid bezit, neem dan contact op met de cursuscoördinator van deze cursus. Klik hier voor een zelftest Frans.
English: This course is also open to Lingua Receptiva students (“luistertaal”). Lingua Receptiva means that students who have sufficient receptive knowledge of French to be able to read texts and follow lectures, but whose speaking and writing skills in French might not be good enough, are given the opportunity to do the assignments, presentations, (oral) exams and assignments in Dutch or English. So for example, in case of an exam the questions are in French but you may answer them in Dutch or English. If you are interested and think you have sufficient receptive skills, please contact the coordinator of that course. Click here for a receptive skills test French.