After this course you can:
- conduct your own investigation of specialist discourse
- conduct, triangulate and critically assess a needs analysis
- formulate challenging and achievable course objectives based on the outcome of a needs analysis
- translate clients' needs into a course for specific professional or academic purposes, applying appropriate course and syllabus design methods
- design new materials and adapt existing materials, choosing and applying consistently appropriate methodologies
- assess the results and efficiency of the course and/or materials you have developed
This course combines a theoretical introduction to the field of Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) with a sizeable amount of practical training. In the first block, you will learn how to analyse your prospective clients' linguistic needs through a well-designed, triangulated needs analysis and you will learn about different methods that are used for investigating specialist discourse. You will also put your knowledge into practice by conducting and reporting on a needs analysis for a group of clients of your own choice.
The second block will focus on course and syllabus design, materials production and evaluation. You will simultaneously apply what you are learning by designing a short course for specific professional or academic purposes, informed by the needs analysis you conducted in the first block.