Investment Management
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleMAN-BCU3022
Credits (ECTS)6
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Nijmegen School of Management; Bachelor Economics and Business Economics;
PreviousNext 1
drs. L.J.P. Buijs
Other course modules lecturer
drs. L.J.P. Buijs
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
drs. L.J.P. Buijs
Other course modules lecturer
drs. L.J.P. Buijs
Other course modules lecturer
dr. M.G. Contreras
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2022
3  (30/01/2023 to 09/04/2023)
Starting block
Course mode
RemarksWorkgroup registration is via Brightspace
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesYes
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
After completing the course Investment Management the student is able to:
  • Have knowledge and know how to apply this knowledge in CASES with respect to the following concepts/ models: Portfolio diversification, the CAP model, Performance evaluation, Option Pricing models, the duration of bonds and  asset-liability management of portfolio’s of bonds and stocks;  
  • Have knowledge and know how to apply this knowledge in concrete situations with respect to the following concepts/ models: Portfolio diversification, the CAP model, Performance evaluation, Option Pricing models, the duration of bonds and  asset-liability management of portfolio’s of bonds and stocks;  
  • Be able to make calculations with respect to the following concepts/ models: Portfolio diversification, the CAP model, Performance evaluation, Option Pricing models, the duration of bonds and  asset-liability management of portfolio’s of bonds and stocks.  
This course covers many issues including
Portfolio Theory (including CAPM) and Performance Evaluation , Bonds - Durations/PV assets and Liabilities , (Asset - Liability management); Forwards/Futures ; Options - First principles including some trading strategies Binomial trees - Black-Scholes - Delta protective Put strategy; Relationship between Binomial Trees and Black-Scholes.
Students must understand and work with the material, make complicated calculations and complete practical assignments (cases) and students have to be involved in the IEX competion (Investment Game w.r.t. the Dutch Stock Market [AEX, AMX and ASCX Stocks]) (20% of the final grade) - The exam counts for 80% of the Final Grade. 

Presumed foreknowledge
Corporate Finance. During the lectures we will go much deeper into many concepts previously discussed in the course Corporate Finance. Students who did not take this course will have great difficulty in passing Investment Management (you have to understand the material and perform many difficult calculations).
Test information
Written exam (by using CIRRUS): counts for 80%, Cases and Investment Game (IEX - competition): counts for 20%.
Results of cases (and results of the Investment Game) will be published on Brightspace. For students who do not complete the course, partial grades remain valid.

Ba 2 PM RE

Required materials
Title:Investments (Global Edition) (12th edition).
Author:Bodie, Kane, Marcus

Instructional modes

Working group

we will discuss:- problems taken form the book of Bodie, Kane and Marcus (including a lot of (rather difficult) calculations)- 4 cases; students have to work with Excel and apply knowledge (from the lectures/ from the problems taken from the book)

Test weight1
Test typeDigital exam with CIRRUS
OpportunitiesBlock 3, Block 4