After completing the course Borders and Identities in Europe the student is able to:
- Understand the academic and social debate on the continuous (re)production of national borders and identities in and of the b/ordering and migration policies of EUrope itself as well as cross-border cooperation in the EU and with the near abroad outside the EU.
- Critically analyse and discuss these developments of (re)production and actively participate in discussions on the topic;
In this course we will analyse the often implicit logic of the territoriality of the European integration process. In particular, after briefly discussing the historial construction of the European Union and the idea of Europe, we will study the continuous importance and impact of the social construction of internal national borders and the influence of populist nationalism in the European Union. And we will analyse the ongoing cross-border collaboration between border regions at the internal borders of the European Union. Next, we will critically study the migration policies at the external borders of the EU, the externalisation policies, and the rise of new nationalisms and tensions in the EU. Lastly, we will study the possible futures of the European Union.
A propaedeutic diploma in any study programme. |