International Entrepreneurship
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleMAN-BKV70
Credits (ECTS)6
CategoryBA (Bachelor)
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Nijmegen School of Management; Bachelor Business Administration;
dr. A.M. Nadolska-den Ouden
Other course modules lecturer
dr. A.M. Nadolska-den Ouden
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
dr. A.M. Nadolska-den Ouden
Other course modules lecturer
dr. A.M. Nadolska-den Ouden
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2022
1  (05/09/2022 to 06/11/2022)
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesYes
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
  1. Explain what (international) entrepreneurship is, what the core elements are, and why entrepreneurship is seen as indispensable in our economy and society;
  2. Analyze the process underlying the start of a new business abroad;
  3. Apply literature on the topics covered during the course during discussions and assignments;
  4. Develop a business proposition based on the Lean Startup method;
  5. Present own business idea by means of a "Pecha Kucha" presentation/pitch;
  6. Implement a project in a team with random fellow students.
International Entrepreneurship course lasts 7 weeks in block 1. We will use different teaching methods to understand what entrepreneurs do, develop your own business proposition (in a team) and come up with a proposition for an existing company (individually). 

We will focus on several questions:
  1. What is entrepreneurship? 
  2. What types of entrepreneurs are there? 
  3. What is an "entrepreneurial opportunity"? 
  4. What do you need to be successful as an entrepreneur?
  5. How to set up a successful business?
  6. How to discover or create an opportunity? 
  7. How do validate an idea and look for potential customers?
  8. How to create a business model canvas?

We will meet twice a week for hands on tutorials, where we will discuss the prescribed literature (and a movie) in the form of debates and puzzle exercises and work on the business ideas. Tutorials will be highly interactive and will require thorough preparation.

Presumed foreknowledge
No entry requirements or required background knowledge.
Test information
The grade for the course consists of the following components (valid for 1 year):
  1. 50% - individual project based on a real life case company
  2. 30% - team based assignment – development of a business proposition based on Lean Startup method including a process report 
  3. 10% - pitch/pecha kucha presentation of the business proposition
  4. 10% - participation in discussions and exercises throughout the course


Instructional modes
Working group
Attendance MandatoryYes
Type of instructional modeWorking group

Test weight50
Test typeProject
OpportunitiesBlock 1, Block 2

Test weight10
Test typeParticipation
OpportunitiesBlock 1

Test weight10
Test typePresentation
OpportunitiesBlock 1

Test weight30
Test typeReport
OpportunitiesBlock 1