Modelling for Stakeholder Engagement II
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleMAN-MBAM003
Credits (ECTS)6
CategoryMA (Master)
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Nijmegen School of Management; Master Business Administration;
PreviousNext 4
drs. B.L.A. Fokkinga
Other course modules lecturer
L.A. Franco
Other course modules lecturer
dr. ir. V. de Gooyert
Other course modules lecturer
prof. dr. E.A.J.A. Rouwette
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
prof. dr. E.A.J.A. Rouwette
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2022
2  (07/11/2022 to 29/01/2023)
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesNo
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
Knowledge and understanding
  • Building on GMB I, students know why and how Group Model Building (GMB) is used in messy problems with social conflict, in which power differences play a role.
  • Students are familiar with a range of 'scripts' for GMB as well as methods that can be used in combination with GMB, and how these are used to facilitate organisational interventions in messy problems with social conflict, in which power differences play a role.
Applying knowledge and understanding
Students are capable of designing and conducting GMB sessions themselves in socially complex situations. In addition, they will have used different methods that may be used in combination with GMB, such as Electronic Meeting Systems, Strategic Options Development and Analysis and Decision Analysis. In general, students become enabled to design an effective organisational intervention based on the system dynamics methodology. Application will take place both in classroom and in practical projects.
Making judgements
Students should be able to reflect on the issue whether GMB is an appropriate method for a given problem. They will also be able to evaluate the usefulness of methods that may be used in combination with GMB.
Students will be able to present results from GMB sessions, both in written form and orally, to stakeholders in organisations and to interested academics.
Learning skills
Students will be able to further develop their facilitation skills on the basis of published scripts for GMB.

In GMB I, the problems were complex, but there was still a considerable degree of agreement about them in the management team. GMB II focuses on messy problems with social conflict and the role of power in such conflicts. Approaches that may supplement group model building are discussed and used in practical sessions.


Presumed foreknowledge
Group Model Building I.
Test information
Written exam and assignment. Partial grades remain valid.

Ma 1

Required materials
Journal articles; more details will be made available via Brightspace.

Instructional modes

Working group

Practice sessions, lectures, projects.

Test weight50
Test typeDigital exam with CIRRUS
OpportunitiesBlock 2, Block 3

Discussion statements and assignments
Test weight20
Test typeAssignment
OpportunitiesBlock 2

Project report
Test weight30
Test typeReport
OpportunitiesBlock 2