Gender and Diversity in Organisations
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleMAN-MHR005A
Credits (ECTS)6
CategoryMA (Master)
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Nijmegen School of Management; Master Business Administration;
prof. dr. Y.W.M. Benschop
Other course modules lecturer
prof. dr. Y.W.M. Benschop
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
prof. dr. Y.W.M. Benschop
Other course modules lecturer
prof. dr. Y.W.M. Benschop
Other course modules lecturer
prof. dr. B.I.J.M. van der Heijden
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2022
1  (05/09/2022 to 06/11/2022)
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesNo
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-


  • After the course, you can explain the most important theories, concepts and debates regarding gender, diversity and inclusion in organisations in your own words

  • You are able to discuss issues of gender, diversity and inclusion in relation to relevant themes such as leadership, identity, culture and power

  • You can give an overview of the state-of-the-art management concepts, policies and practices regarding gender, diversity and inclusion


  • You are able to analyse the effects of gender and diversity in organisations

  • You are able to assess the effects of current management concepts, policies and practices in this area

  • You can formulate recommendations for an adequate diversity and inclusion programme in a specific organisational context, linking insights about equality, diversity and inclusion to insights about organisational identity


  • You are able to reflect from various theoretical perspectives on the place and function of gender and diversity in the policies and practices of organisations

  • You are able to recognise assumptions about diversity and identity that underlie human resource management strategies and assess the merits of these assumptions
Within management and business studies, the attention for questions that pertain to the composition and qualities of the workforce has grown. Managing diversity and inclusion is a hot topic for many organisations that are confronted with a workforce that is becoming increasingly heterogeneous due to factors such as globalization, migration, emancipation, ageing and international cooperation. Coping with the differences between women, men and non-binary people, older and younger colleagues, LGBTQI colleagues, and people from different religious and cultural backgrounds and class and educational backgrounds is an issue for all employees and managers in modern organisations. To attract and retain a diverse workforce and to create an inclusive organization are key challenges facing modern (human recources) managers and leaders.
This course reflects the fact that much diversity research today is inspired by theoretical and empirical studies on gender in organisations. Diversity has become the broad term for many differences between people at work, but is mainly used for the social categories of gender, race/ethnicity, class, disability, sexual orientation, age and religion. Traditionally, studies on gender and race dealt primarily with the social production of inequality in organisations and organisations faced a moral obligation to increase justice and actively counter discrimination. At the present time, both business motives and moral justifications are important reasons for organisations to manage to diversity and inclusion. The business case for diversity emphasises the fact that organisations that properly manage diversity can have a competitive advantage, become more creative and innovative and improve their performance. In this course, we will examine the effects of diversity on the economic and social performance of modern organisations, seeing the attention for gender, diversity and inclusion as an important way for organizations to shape their social responsibility.
To pay attention to gender and diversity in organisations also means paying attention to identity, since identity is a central underlying concept in this field. How do various identity categories of people intersect and how do they impact the patterns of collaboration and communication at work? Are organisations becoming more and more fragmented because of this diversity? What are the implications for leadership? What does inclusive leadership and leadership for equality, diversity and inclusion entail?
Identity is not only a central concept when studying individuals and groups. The theme of organisational identity is also relevant in this context. Some organisations are better equipped to deal with issues of gender, diversity and inclusion than others. To be able to function effectively, organisations have to strive for a common and specific identity to have a recognisable profile, both internally and in their environment (labour market and clients). To rely on core competencies is no longer sufficient. To identify the norms and values underlying the organisation's identity becomes more and more important. What constitutes an organisational identity? Can an organisational identity be constructed, let alone managed, and if so, how does that identity relate to the diverse identities represented in the workforce?
This course aims to expand students' insights into the meaning of gender, diversity and inclusion for organisations and employees and to help them arrive at a better understanding of the effects of gender and diversity on daily work practices.
Presumed foreknowledge
Bachelor's degree in Management.
Test information
Written exam and assignments.

Proven participation in assignments and class to take part in the exam
Ma 1

Required materials
Except Ch 6-7
Title:The dynamics of managing diversity. A critical approach.
Author:Kirton, Gill and Greene Anne-Marie
Publisher:Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann
Chapters 3, 4, 5, 15, 17.
Title:Organizational Identity (2014)
Author:Hatch, Mary Jo & Schultz, Majken
Publisher:Oxford: Oxford University Press
Articles to be downloaded. see list in course manual on brightspace

Instructional modes
Interactive lecture

Interactive lectures and group propositions.

Preparation of meetings
Prepare readings and proposition

Contribution to group work
Group discussion to prepare weekly propositions

Test weight1
Test typeWritten exam
OpportunitiesBlock 1, Block 2