Methodology in Marketing and Strategic Management Research
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleMAN-MMA032A
Credits (ECTS)6
CategoryMA (Master)
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Nijmegen School of Management; Master Business Administration;
PreviousNext 1
dr. V. Blazevic
Other course modules lecturer
dr. P.E.M. Ligthart
Other course modules lecturer
dr. P.E.M. Ligthart
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
dr. P.E.M. Ligthart
Other course modules lecturer
dr. P.E.M. Ligthart
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2022
1-2  (05/09/2022 to 29/01/2023)
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesNo
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
  • students will understand the nature of multivariate statistical techniques that are frequently used in marketing and strategy research;
  • students will learn to apply various multivariate statistical techniques using statistical software to answer well-known marketing and strategy research questions (both applied and theoretical);
  • students will learn to prepare and write analysis reports to communicate their data handling, the analysis process and the findings. This course is particularly useful preparation for empirically oriented master's theses.
State of the art companies apply research techniques to extract valid and reliable information from internal sources, such as market intelligence systems, business account databases and production processes, as well as external sources such as field studies and surveys. This course is relevant to all business professionals or anyone in the field of business administration who needs to understand, use or carry out research studies exploiting these sources of quantitative information.
The aim of this course is twofold. First, students will get to know the nature of multivariate statistical techniques, which are often used in marketing and strategy research. Second, students will learn to apply these techniques to analyse well-known managerial research questions as well as academic research questions.
In terms of techniques, the course will focus on exploratory techniques such as factor analysis, as well as on more confirmatory techniques like analysis of variance, multiple regression (including non-linear terms), logistic regression and partial least squares path modelling.
An important part of this course will be the application of multivariate statistical techniques. This includes using statistical software packages such as SPSS, interpreting the results and understanding the managerial or scientific implications for the field of strategy and marketing. In particular, the scope of the applications ranges from consumer and marketing research to the analysis of competitors and corporate strategy.

Presumed foreknowledge
  • Knowledge of the nature and application of univariate and bivariate statistical techniques and methodology.
  • Bachelor's diploma.
  • Test information
    Written exam + assignments.

    Ma 1

    Required materials
    Title:Multivariate Data Analysis,
    Author:Joseph F Hair, Barry J. Babin, Rolph E. Anderson, William C. Black
    Articles/texts to read
    Online lectures & Lecture handouts will be provided via the course site on Brightspace.

    Recommended materials
    Articles/texts to read
    Recommended Literature
    3rd or higher edition
    Title:Discovering Statistics Using SPSS
    Author:Field, A.

    Instructional modes

    Each assignment contains a short introduction to a conceptual model, some key questions outlining a data analysis strategy and a corresponding data-file.
    The objective is write a research-note using the conceptual model and the findings of your statistical analyses for a proficient strategy / marketing manager who commissioned the assignment.
    A computer practicum is provided for to offer assistance on the statistical analyses.

    Compulsory small-group assignment, see the course syllabus for the assignment requirements


    Following the introductory lecture, four statistical techniques will presented and discussed in class and online.
    Each technique will be presented in a three-week module containing
    - an on-line lecture to present a statistical technique;
    - a consultation lecture to discus questions, comments and the upcoming assignment;
    - a computer practicum to offer assistance on-the-spot doing the statistical analyses relevant for the assignment;
    - an application lecture to discuss the assignment and add-on applications

    Preparation of meetings
    Read relevant chapter(s) of the prescribed book (see schedule on BS)


    For each assignment a practicum is offered to provide assistance on the spot analyzing the data file.
    You can use one of the computers in the assigned computer rooms or use your own laptop with the relevant statistical software (e.g. SPSS) installed

    Preparation of meetings
    Read the assignment and the relevant chapter of the book carefully before attending the practicum

    Enhance your competences of using SPSS doing the online courses in advance (see the document Introduction SPSS).

    Test weight1
    Test typeDigital exam with CIRRUS
    OpportunitiesBlock 2, Block 3, Block 5