After completion of the Minor, students are able to:
- define a comprehensive set of technologies applied in biomolecular research with strong translational aspects
- perform a core set of biomolecular techniques
- explain the background of technologies and research strategies based upon them
- design rational strategies to address biomedical/translational issues
- evaluate and communicate scientific data and research strategies
This minor focusses on molecular and biomedical technologies and strategies used in modern laboratories all over the world. Focus is on contemporary challenges in cancer, immunology and diagnostics. The minor has a strong emphasis on practical skills, and prepares students for their traineeships in pathobiological, toxicological and biomedical research. The technologies practiced are all firmly embedded in current medical challenges such as cancer, inflammation, biomarkers and toxicological issues. Technologies that will be addressed include e.g. molecular-biological techniques for DNA/RNA/protein analyses and (immune) histological/cell-based techniques. Hands-on (lab) activities with the aforementioned techniques constitute a major part of the minor. In addition, ample training will be given to rationally apply technologies to design research strategies, and to be able to communicate data/designs in a comprehensive way. The minor will be capped by a mini-symposium in which the student will be given the opportunity to present a self-designed research strategy focused on a biomedical issue of her/his own choice.
Key words
Molecular/cell biological techniques, cancer, immunology, diagnostics, toxicology, histology, research strategies, practicals, DNA/RNA/proteins, immunohistochemistry, pathology, toxicology, chromatography, mini-symposium