| | | | Cursus | | MED-MIN03 | Categorie | | BA (Bachelor) | Voertaal | | Engels | Aangeboden door | | Radboud Universiteit; Faculteit der Medische Wetenschappen; Biomedische wetenschappen; | Docenten | | | | Collegejaar | | 2022 | | Periode | | MIN-DOVR | (05-09-2022 t/m 31-08-2023) |
| Aanvangsblok | | MIN-DOVR | |
| Onderwijsvorm | | voltijd | |
| Opmerking | | - | Inschrijven via OSIRIS | | Ja | Inschrijven voor bijvakkers | | Ja | Voorinschrijving | | | Wachtlijst | | Ja | Plaatsingsprocedure | | Op basis van loting | Toelichting | | Op basis van loting |
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After completion of the Minor, students are able to
Learning objectives related to Part A (atherosclerosis, primary prevention, week 1-5):
- Describe the molecular and cellular pathophysiology of atherosclerosis, and understand the role of haemodynamic factors and lifestyle (exercise, diet) in relation to adaptation in atherosclerosis.
- Describe and select appropriate models of atherosclerosis (animals and humans) when answering research questions, and understand strengths and pitfalls of systemic reviews and meta-analysis.
Learning objectives related to Part B (acute cardiac care, secondary prevention, week 6-11):
- Understand the pathophysiology of occlusive diseases and valve pathology, and are able to describe and apply models used to examine this topic.
- Understand commonly used (non)invasive imaging techniques (echocardiography, MRI) and can explain how these techniques can be applied in research related to acute cardiac care.
Learning objectives related to Part C (chronic cardiac health, tertiary prevention, week 12-16):
- Describe and select appropriate models to understand the multifactorial nature of development of heart failure, the physiological understanding of cardiac burden, and cardiac remodelling, but also explain how differences between the sexes can be considered.
Learning objectives related to Part D (research proposal, 1-16 part-time, 17-20 full-time):
- Design a research proposal in the field of cardiovascular medicine (atherosclerosis, acute cardiac care, heart failure) and presents its background, hypothesis, objectives and methods.
Develop infographics and movies that are able to effectively communicate key messages in research publications and grant applications.
In this minor, a group of dedicated (pre)clinical investigators will introduce you to the field of Cardiovascular Science. Cardiovascular disease remains the world’s leading cause of death, which highlights the importance of understanding the regulation of the cardiovascular system and how to prevent the development or progression of cardiovascular disease. Arguably, prevention of cardiovascular disease starts before birth, and should remain a central focus of contemporary medicine throughout the rest of one’s life. For this reason, we have structured this minor around the themes of primary (i.e. development of atherosclerosis), secondary (i.e. care around acute events) and tertiary (i.e. development of heart failure and associated pathology) prevention of cardiovascular disease. By better understanding of the underlying pathologies, insight into state-of-the-art technology to evaluate cardiovascular health, and discussion of future opportunities, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the cutting-edge research and innovations in the field of cardiovascular science.
In short, you will first learn about the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis, the novel insights into the role of inflammation in atherosclerosis progression, and its impact on the function of structure of the heart (Part A). Subsequently, we will focus on the moment when it all goes wrong; a myocardial infarction, the need for (immediate) surgery, rhythm problems, and pathologies of the heart valves (Part B). Finally, we learn about the longer-term impact of abnormalities of the heart, often leading to heart failure and its complex, multi-organ and multi-factorial aetiology (Part C). A cross-cutting theme in this minor is the translation of preclinical and population research findings to humans in vivo in order to improve health care and outcome of patients (Part D). For this reason, you will collaborate in research teams of 3-4 students to design your own research project. Within this group-based work, you will acquire specific skills around presenting (infographics, pitch-type presentations, figures) and writing (grants, papers).
Key words
Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular Disease, Heart Failure, Lifestyle
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| | | WerkvormenToetsenPresentation infographic (period A)Weging | | 10 |
Toetsvorm | | Presentatie |
Gelegenheden | | Blok MIN-DOVR, Blok MINK |
| Draft research proposal (period B)Weging | | 10 |
Toetsvorm | | Opdracht |
Gelegenheden | | Blok MIN-DOVR, Blok MINK |
| Movie and research proposal (period D)Weging | | 30 |
Toetsvorm | | Opdracht |
Gelegenheden | | Blok MIN-DOVR, Blok MINK |
| Written examination (open questions)Weging | | 50 |
Toetsvorm | | Schriftelijk tentamen |
Gelegenheden | | Blok MIN-DOVR, Blok MINK |
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