After completion of the Minor, the student
- has an adequate understanding of the systems that play a role in human movement (skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems).
- is able to analyze, interpret and report the relationship between a clinical diagnosis and an impaired movement capacity, adopting the different approaches within CHMS.
- is able to design, execute, analyze and report a small scale experiment in the field of CHMS.
- is familiar with the most important measuring techniques and methods as used in CHMS and able to determine their strengths and weaknesses.
- is able to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a scientific article related to human movement problems and to provide suggestions for future studies.
Research in the field of Clinical Human Movement covers a broad range of patient problems. Physically moving seems to be the best possible way to stay healthy and the best medicine for most patients. It is, therefore, very important to keep patients active as good and as long as possible. How to assess and ameliorate impaired movement is our motivation and we like to know: Which of the following questions moves you?
How much physical activity is needed to stay healthy? What happens in the human body while exercising? How can human movement be quantified? What techniques are available? How do patients with a neurological disorder move? What are the differences with healthy controls? How to predict the clinical performance of an implant? How to assess pathological gait? Are you fascinated by human movement and do you want to contribute to our understanding of its secrets? Then this minor perfectly suits you.
This research minor is an introduction to clinical human movement sciences. You will study and learn fundamental theory to understand how the skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems play an important role in human movement. If one of the systems fails, it immediately influences the other systems. Hence, the systems are connected and integrated and form the human movement system. Impaired movement is often the result of the failure of one system. You will learn basic skills to calculate, analyze, interpret and report the relationship between a clinical diagnosis and a movement problem, making use of different approaches within Clinical Human Movement Sciences (CHMS). During this minor, you will perform a small scale research project to optimally prepare you for the Bachelor internship in the field of CHMS. This minor is strongly advised for students who are interested in biomedical research and would like to do a specialization in Human Movement Sciences.
Key words
Motor control, Cardiovascular system, Measuring and analyzing signals, Dynamics, Musculoskeletal issues, Rehabilitation, Healthy aging