Human Fertility
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleNWI-BM050B
Credits (ECTS)3
CategoryMA (Master)
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Science; BioWetenschappen;
dr. R. Peek
Other course modules lecturer
dr. L. Ramos
Other course modules lecturer
dr. L. Ramos
Other course modules lecturer
dr. L. Ramos
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
dr. L. Ramos
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2019
KW4  (13/04/2020 to 30/08/2020)
Starting block
Course mode
RemarksAlternating years
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesYes
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
- Understanding the mechanisms of gamete development and maturation
- Understanding the process of fertilization and the pathology of infertility
- Understanding the genetic, social and enviromental contributors to human (in)fertility
This course will provide a broad overview of the sexual differentiation at the embryonic phase, the development of the gonads, oogenesis and spermatogenesis, meiosis and the main characteristics of the mature spermatozoa. In addition, special attention will be paid to  male (in)fertility, female (in)fertility, the process of fertilization, in vitro fertilization (IVF) and artificial preservation of both male and female fertility.
Lectures will provide the theoretical basis for the various subjects and will be supplemented by cases/pathologies observed in daily practice. Every week a group of students will prepare a presentation/poster based on scientific manuscripts provided by the lecturer. To allow the students to share experience in an interactive format and to learn from the other participants, a discussion sessions will be organized about (ethical) topics on fertility that draw  public attention.

Important to consider: this course will be bi-annually given (even years). In case of sufficient interest for participation in the course, a yearly course might be organized.

Subjects covered:
  • human sexual differentiation at the embryonic phase
  • development of the gonads
  • oogenesis and spermatogenesis
  • male and female meiosis
  • characteristics of the mature spermatozoa and oocytes
  • infertility: ART and IVF
  • genetics of infertility
  • fertility preservation

Presumed foreknowledge
Basic knowledge of genetics, molecular cell biology, pathology and human biology as provided by the various Bachelor programs. International students (e.g Erasmus students) are also welcome in this course, all presentations and information is in English.
Test information
  • exam
  • Specifics

    The powerpoint presentations of the lectures will be available on Brightspace; additional information on different subjects will be also posted on Brightspace (pdf of review articles).
    No specific books can cover all the subjects in this course, but we recommend the use of the following books already required during the bachelor period:
    • Human Embryology and Developmental Biology, 978-0323053853
    • Medical Physiology, 978-1416031154
    • Rubin's Pathology, 978-1451109122
    • Functionele Histologie, 978-9035230880
    • Human Biology, 978-0071315944

    Test information
    • exam

    Basic knowledge of genetics, molecular cell biology, pathology and human biology as provided by the various Bachelor programs.
    International students (e.g Erasmus students) are also welcome in this course, all presentations and information is in English.

    Required materials
    the selected papers for each topic will be given at the start of each chapter

    Recommended materials
    Human Embryology and Developmental Biology
    Human Biology
    Human Reproductive Biology (Sylvia Mader)

    Instructional modes
    Individual Study
    Attendance MandatoryYes

    In total, about 52 hours of individual study are expected.

    Attendance MandatoryYes

    There is 1 lecture and 1 student presentation per week. Presence of 70% is required

    Digital Exam
    Test weight1
    Test typeDigital exam with CIRRUS
    OpportunitiesBlock KW4, Block KW4

    The final grade will be calculated based on the paper/poster presentation, participation in the classes, participation in the discussion session and the final written exam. The written examination will consist of open response questions on the main topics. The attendance required for approval of this course is > 70% of the lessons. Be aware that attendance and participation will have a large contribution to the final grade.