Academic year 2020-2021 was the last time this course was given.
At the end of the course you can:
· Understand the basic principles of quantitative mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics technology and apply this knowledge to address questions in data-driven research (P1, P2, P5).
· Apply existing software programs to analyze quantitative mass spectrometry data and interpret obtained results in the context of published literature (P3).
· Acknowledge the complementary nature of proteomics and (epi-)genomics approaches and design simple approaches to study relevant questions on a system-wide level (P5)
During the last decade, mass spectrometry-based proteomics emerged as a powerul tool in biology. This course aims to present the basic concepts of this technology and some of its applications. Special emphasis will be given to applications in health and disease. The course consists of lectures and also contains a computer exercise.
Instructional Modes
- Lecture
- Response course
- Tutorial
- Self-study
Knowledge of the principles of genome architecture and gene regulation (NWI-BB064B (Functional Genomics I) or Lodish 7th edition chpt 5-7 or equivalent) |
written exam (80%), practical report (20%)
In 2020/2021 this 3EC course will be given for the last time. From 2021/2022 on the course will be combined with BM062 to one 6EC course. |