Evolution and Development of Plants
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleNWI-BP003B
Credits (ECTS)6
Category01 (Introduction)
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Science; BioWetenschappen;
dr. J.L. Peters
Other course modules lecturer
dr. J.L. Peters
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
dr. J.L. Peters
Other course modules lecturer
dr. J.L. Peters
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2020
KW1  (31/08/2020 to 01/11/2020)
Starting block
Course mode
RemarksStudents who want to follow this course as part of a premaster or minor, contact the premaster/minor student advisor
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesNo
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
After this course, you will be able to:
  • Prepare microscope slides, view the slides using a light microscope and interpret what you see by composing both overview (tissues) and detailed (cells) drawings
  • Critically discuss issues regarding plant life cycles, life forms, reproduction and evolution
  • Prepare a plant evolution overview table containing the characteristics of life cycles and dominant plant structures present in algae, mosses, ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms
  • Recognize organs, tissues and cells from which plants are built up
  • Provide a description of the process of embryogenesis and explain organogenesis & plant body structure from the activity of meristems in higher plants
  • Describe structure and function of root, stem and leaf
This course consists of two parts.

Part 1 focuses on plant evolution: How did plants evolve and conquer land?
You will learn how plants reproduce and how reproductive organs have evolved from those of simple green algae to those of angiosperms.
It includes the following subjects:
- General plant life cycle
- Algae
- Mosses
- Ferns
- Gymnosperms
- Angiosperms
Part 2 covers plant development: How does the plant body develop?
You will learn how plants like angiosperms develop from a seed into a complex organisms and how specialized cells, tissues and structures function.
It includes the following subjects:
- Embryo development
- Meristems, Cells, Tissues, Seedlings
- Root development
- Root: Anatomy, lateral roots, secondary growth
- Stem development
- Stem: Anatomy, buds and branches, secondary growth
- Leaf development, formation and anatomy
- Transport of water and assimilates

Instructional modes
  • Lecture

Presumed foreknowledge

Test information
The final grade is determined (100%) by the written exam at the end of the course. Lab classes are mandatory. The final grade for the written exam will only be granted when the student participated in the lab classes and the formative tests and completed all practical assignments.
In the case of not being able to attend one or more practical courses/lab days due to corona measures, the course coordinator will decide if the student is obligated to re-take the missed meeting and how this will take place.

Required materials
Biology: A Global Approach, 12th Global Edition
Title:Biology: A Global Approach
Author:Campbell, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky and Reece
Course guide
Laboratory manual will be handed out in first week
White coat
Laboratory Materials, like a lab coat, can be obtained through study association BeeVee

Recommended materials
Henderson's Dictionary of Biology, 16th edition
Title:Henderson's Dictionary of Biology
Author:Eleanor Lawrence
Publisher: Pearson Education Limited

Instructional modes
Attendance MandatoryYes

Lab course
Attendance MandatoryYes

Test weight1
Test typeExam
OpportunitiesBlock KW1, Block KW2, Block KW3

Test weight0
Test typeLab course
OpportunitiesBlock KW1, Block KW2