Course infoSchedule
Course moduleNWI-BP030
Credits (ECTS)6
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Science; BioWetenschappen;
PreviousNext 5
dr. A.M. Allen
Other course modules lecturer
M.J.E. Broekman
Other course modules lecturer
dr. J.J.M. Geurts
Other course modules lecturer
dr. H. Huber
Other course modules lecturer
prof. dr. S. Kosten
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2018
KW3  (28/01/2019 to 07/04/2019)
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesYes
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
After this course you can describe and apply
  1. Concepts, models and methodologies used in the ecology of populations, communities and ecosystems (P1, P2)
  2. Concepts and methodologies used in the ecology of mutualism and parasitism, partly met respect to humans (P1, P2)
  3. How global ecological and environmental problems affect the functioning of ecosystems (P1, P2)
Using the knowledge acquired you are able to
  1. Formulate hypotheses tackling current environmental, ecological and health issues (P2, P6, A1)
  2. Include recent scientific literature and evaluate it critically (P6, A1)
  3. Design a scientific study and deliver it orally and in a written report (A2, A4)
  4. Carry out these tasks and discuss them in a group (A3, A4)
This first-year’s course in Ecology gives an overview of the relationships between populations, communities and ecosystems and their environment, and its interest for nature conservation and human health. We include the ecology of mutualism and parasitism, as well as some basic evolutionary principles. We illustrate the topics with appealing examples from current conservation and environmental practice. We show how insight in ecological principles are essential for finding solutions with respect to the protection of biodiversity, mitigating global climate change, and improving health of human populations.
You learn the theory from textbook, with a series of lectures providing the context, some additional material and illustrative examples. Classroom exercises are devoted to a better understanding of classical mathematical models in ecology. After preparing the material independently at home, you solve the exercises in small groups in the class room, with assistance from the teachers.
The “Radboud Research Project” is devoted to the significance of scientific research for the many current societal issues. Here you work in small groups on an applied problem of your interest, linked to ecology theory. Problem subjects vary from a variety of environmental and conservation issues, to more medical subjects. In your group, you analyse the problem and formulate a new plan for research providing new insight. You derive the necessary information from the literature and scientific internet sites. Every group reports on their subject by means of a short written essay and presents the research plans to other students who have worked on similar subjects, followed by a critical discussions.
Additional comments
contact: Mw. J. Jansen, HG 01.021, 3652902, j.jansen@science.ru.nl

Test information
Theory is tested in a multiple-choice exam on material in textbook, lectures and tutorials (3/4 of the final grade). The essay and presentation of the Research Project is graded separately (1/4 of the final grade)

Required materials
Essentials of Ecology, 4th Edition Michael Begon, Robert W. Howarth, Colin R. Townsend ISBN: 978-0-470-90913-3 Wiley, Sep 2014 480 pages

Instructional modes

Attendance MandatoryYes

Attendance MandatoryYes

Response course



Test weight3
Test typeExam
OpportunitiesBlock KW3, Block KW4

Test weight1
Test typeProject
OpportunitiesBlock KW3, Block KW4