- Students are able to place science and scientific practices in a broader intellectual context
- Students are able to reflect critically about the foundations of science
- Students are able to reflect about their own actions as scientists
- Students are able to formulate and justify a standpoint about questions pertaining the philosophy and ethics of science formuleren
In this course we shall discuss some fundamental questions about the philosophy and the ethics of the (natural) sciences. The course will be given twice, with a slightly different content (zie further in the description)
- What is science? Wat is scientific knowledge? What are the epistemologic properties that make scientific knowledge 'special' (if any)?
- Models and theories: what does it mean to make a model of reality? What is the relationship between the model and the material entities?
- Is mathematics a science?
- Popper/Kuhn/Lakatos
- Ethics and morality: which models van we use to analyse / justify moral decisions and actions?
- Scientific integrity: who is the 'good' scientist? Examples of research misconduct