Software Engineering
Cursus informatieRooster
Studiepunten (ECTS)6
CategorieBA (Bachelor)
Aangeboden doorRadboud Universiteit; Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica; Informatica en Informatiekunde;
dr. C.L.M. Kop
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dr. C.L.M. Kop
Overige cursussen docent
dr. C.L.M. Kop
Overige cursussen docent
Contactpersoon van de cursus
dr. C.L.M. Kop
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dr. B. Lin
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KW3-KW4  (30-01-2023 t/m 31-08-2023)
Inschrijven via OSIRISJa
Inschrijven voor bijvakkersJa
At the end of the course, the student is able to:
  • develop a realistic software product in a Scrum team
  • apply agile practices such as the Scrum stand-up and pair programming for effective collaboration
  • work as a team by planning around skill differences,helping each other and addressing individual problems;
  • create high-quality code using design principles and software patterns;
  • apply systematic testing techniques to deliver demonstrably correct code.
These skills are acquired through both lectures and the practical assignment, where the students learn to collaborate in larger multi-disciplinary software projects, in which every team member contributes to a common goal.
The goal of Software Engineering is to acquire insight in the process of software system development.

The course has both a theoretical and a practical component.

In the theoretical component, the students follow lectures.
In the practical component students work in a virtual software company (GIPHouse) that is completely run by students. The students are supervised by student managers that are following the System Development Management course. The material from the lectures should be applied in the project.

The GIPHouse software house aims to be a realistic simulation of a larger software company. The students work in an agile way in contact with real clients, and use modern software development tools.

Instructional modes
  • Lecture
  • Project

Prerequisites are the first two years of the bachelor program of Computer Science or Artificial Intelligence, in particular the knowledge and competencies of the programming and information systems courses.

Specifically, it is required that students have passed the Imperative Programming or Programming 1 + Programming 2 courses, as well as Object Oriented Programming (or similar courses in other universities). It is also highly recommended to have passed the R&D project or AI lab skills. This is because the team depends on all members having these skills.

If you have not passed IP or OOP, but believe that you do have the prerequisite knowledge for the course, please contact the teachers to discuss it before registering.
The work is judged based on 5 criteria:
  • quality of the software
  • proper use of agile development processes
  • teamwork
  • maintainability of the code
  • systematic testing
Information on these items is obtained through:
  • project reports
  • input from teaching assistants on team visits
  • client feedback
  • peer reviews of team member performance
  • cross-team reviews of project performance
  • the code, documentation and git history of the finished product
  • a video presentation made by the team at the end of the course
  • a final project discussion to answer questions
The course is taught in English.

It is essential to be present at the first meeting of the course. At that meeting the project teams are formed. It is also highly recommended to sign up on the giphouse website before the course starts and indicate your project preference (this will be linked from Brightspace).

If you have a very good reason why you cannot be present, then inform the GipHouse directorate at directors@giphouse.nl .

In addition, in this course students are expected to work together in the same room with their groupmates, and at a fixed pace. Hence, it is highly recommended to avoid other obligations during the reserved working times.
Group presentations

Presentations take place during the lecture hours roughly every four weeks.


The course has a theoretical and a practical part. The theory consists of a number of lectures that accompany the practical part. The practical part is performed in the context of GIPHouse in which in groups real software projects are performed in a simulated software company (see: http://www.giphouse.nl).By means of presentations all participants learn from each others experiences.

Time to work on the project is scheduled, but individual groups may agree to meet on different days instead.

GelegenhedenBlok KW4, Blok KW4