Introduction to Formal Reasoning
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleNWI-IPK001
Credits (ECTS)6
CategoryB1 (First year bachelor)
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Science; Informatica en Informatiekunde;
dr. E.G.M. Hubbers
Other course modules lecturer
dr. F. Wiedijk
Other course modules lecturer
dr. F. Wiedijk
Other course modules lecturer
dr. F. Wiedijk
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
dr. F. Wiedijk
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2018
KW1-KW2  (03/09/2018 to 27/01/2019)
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesYes
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
After passing this course, you are able to
  • deal with the cognitive style of theoretical computing science;
  • translate natural language into logical formulas and vice versa in propositional logic, predicate logic and modal logic;
  • reason informally about the validity of formulas in models in the three logics mentioned above;
  • understand the terms alphabet, word, and formal language, and apply the basic operations on words and languages properly;
  • associate languages with regular expressions, context-free grammars and finite automata;
  • understand and properly apply basic concepts from graph theory;
  • compute and apply binomial coefficients and Stirling numbers;
  • define functions using recursion;
  • prove statements using the principle of mathematical induction.
This is an introductory course in mathematical logic and theoretical computing science. A lot of important subjects from these fields are briefly introduced. The course consists of three blocks of two chapters each. The first block explains the basic concepts of propositional logic and predicate logic. The second block is about languages and several formal representations of these languages. The two chapters in the third block are not closely related. They introduce some concepts from the field of discrete mathematics and extend the propositional logic to modal logic.
Additional comments
This course is a compulsory part in the Artificial Intelligence bachelor. In addition, the course is usually included in the pre-master programs for the Information Science master. This course is a direct preparation for the course "PI004 Logic and Applications".

The reader consists of the following six chapters:

1. Propositional Logic
2. Predicate Logic
3. Languages
4. Automata
5. Discrete Mathematics
6. Modal Logic

Test information
There are three non-compulsory interim tests and there is a written final exam. The interim tests are only taken into account if the average of these tests is higher than the grade for the final exam. See the website of this course for the exact formula.

Secondary school mathematics

Required materials
The course follows course notes written by Herman Geuvers et al. These course notes are available on the web site as a pdf file.

Instructional modes
Course occurrence

Teaching formats:
24 hours lectures;
24 hours tutorial;
5 hours response lectures;
3 hours interim tests
112 hours self study.

The course is divided into six chapters. Every two chapters form a block. For each block there is a non-compulsory test.
A typical lesson of two hours starts with one hour of tutorial, followed by one hour of plenary lecture. If there is an interim test, the two hour lesson starts with one hour of response lecture, followed by a one hour written interim test. See the schedule at the website, because there are some exceptions to this general setup.




Test weight1
Test typeExam
OpportunitiesBlock KW2, Block KW3