Software Security
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleNWI-ISOFSE
Credits (ECTS)6
CategoryMA (Master)
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Science; Informatica en Informatiekunde;
dr. ir. E. Poll
Other course modules lecturer
dr. ir. E. Poll
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
dr. ir. E. Poll
Other course modules lecturer
dr. ir. E. Poll
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2020
KW1-KW2  (31/08/2020 to 24/01/2021)
Starting block
Course mode
RemarksThis is the 6EC course. For students taking the TRU/e Security master there is a 5 EC version of this course, NWI-IMC051
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesYes
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
At the end of the course students
  • can explain the common ways in which software security fails;
  • are able to identify security objectives of applications and identify likely places where they might fail;
  • can explain methods and technologies that can help in the development of secure software;
  • can apply some of these techniques in practice.
Concrete examples of attacks and countermeasures are often specific to a certain setting (a programming language and/or type of application); the aim provide enough insight to be able to assess problems and proposed solutions in other situations.
Software is THE most important cause of computer security problems. This course is about the challenges in developing secure software and the technologies that can be used to improve software security, at the various stages in the software development life-cycle, and at various "levels", eg. specific to an individual application or at the level of the programming language.

Instructional Modes
  • Lecture
  • Presentation
  • Self-study

Presumed foreknowledge
Knowledge of programming and of programming languages, in particular C(++), incl. the use of pointers,  and Java (or a similar modern object-oriented language).
Test information
Written exam and mandatory project work (for bonus point)
This is the 6 EC course. For students taking the TRU/e Security master there is a 5EC version of this course, NWI-IMC051.
Required materials
Lecture notes are available for part of the course
Selected articles on other topics treated in the course are made available via the course webpage

Instructional modes
Course occurrence


Final grade
Test weight1
Test typeExam
OpportunitiesBlock KW2, Block KW3