Synthesis Lab 1b
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleNWI-MOL126
Credits (ECTS)3
CategoryPB (Propaedeutic)
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Science; Moleculaire Wetenschappen;
dr. D.W.P.M. L�wik
Other course modules lecturer
drs. L.T.C.G. van Summeren
Other course modules lecturer
drs. L.T.C.G. van Summeren
Other course modules lecturer
drs. L.T.C.G. van Summeren
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
drs. L.T.C.G. van Summeren
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2023
KW3  (29/01/2024 to 07/04/2024)
Starting block
KW3/  KW4
Course mode
RemarksMake sure you are registered for the right quarter.
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesNo
Waiting listYes
Placement procedureIn order of application
ExplanationIn order of application
After this courseyou are able to:
  • independently plan and execute a simple synthetic experiment based on chemical literature that is presented
  • to assess the dangers these experiments and take appropriate action to execute them safely
  • interpret spectral and analytical data and draw conclusions from these about the purity and structure of the obtained materials
  • Solving a simple molecular problem by analysis, discussion and experimental research
  • Record the experimental execution and results in a laboratory noterbook, accoring to scientific standards.
  • Discussing and reflecting on own experimental results and those of others
  • Report the experimental outcome in a written report,  according to the standards of scientific integrity.

This lab-course is an introduction to standard techniques used in experimental synthetic chemistry and is a step in acquiring an academic attitude to scientific experimentation. The focus of this course is to expand your ‘chemical toolbox’ with new techniques and to study the principles of synthetic chemistry in practice.

During this course:

  • You will apply your theoretical knowledge to synthesise and characterize simple molecules.
  • You will learn how to prepare and execute synthetic experiment safely, and interpret and discuss its results.
  • You will record the experimental execution and results are in your laboratory notebook, and learn to report about the outcome of an experiment and your interpretation of the results in written laboratory reports.
  • You will answer a simple molecular problem by conducting experiments and combine your own experimental results with those of others.
First year bachelor.
Presumed foreknowledge
  • Organic Chemistry 1 (NWI-MOL124)
  • Synthesis Lab 1a (NWI-MOL125)
Test information
Students are assesed during the course on their practical skills, theoratical knowledge, planning, and reporting.
The registration for this course and the corresponding 'test' closes four weeks before the start of the course.
Required materials
Title:Laboratory techniques in Organic Chemistry
Author:J.R. Mohrig, D.G. Alberg, G.E. Hofmeister, P.F. Schatz, C.N. Hammond
Publisher:W.H. Freeman and Company / A Macmillan Higher Education Company
Title:Study and communication skills for the chemical sciences
Author:T. Overton, S. Johnson, J. Scott
Publisher:Oxford University press
Course guide
Title:Laboratory Manual; Synthesis Lab 1
Author:L.T.C.G. van Summeren, D.W.P.M. Löwik
Publisher:Radboud Universiteit
MNova 14 Software for processing and interpretation of analytical datasets (NMR, IR, UV-VIS, EI-MS). Available for Windows 10, Mac OS X, and Linux . Students can install this software on their own device under the university site license (free of charge). See Brightspace for more information on how to obain and install.

Instructional modes
Lab course
Attendance MandatoryYes
Type of instructional modeLab course

Test weight1
Test typeLab course
OpportunitiesBlock KW3, Block KW4