After completing this course, you will be able to:
- analyse analogue electronic circuits, including consideration of dynamic range, input and output impedances and load
- build, check and optimise simple electronic circuits using a variety of electronic devices, as well as instruments for signal supply and diagnostics
- perform elementary techniques such as filtering, integrating, amplifying, by combining/isolating different circuit stages
- apply and understand the effects of feedback in electronic circuits
- prepare clear and concise written reports describing the construction, testing and analysis of practical electronic circuits.
During the practical classes, students will gain experience on working in groups to carry out and troubleshoot practical tasks, and will receive advice and feedback on time management during experimental work.
The focus of the course is on basic analog electronic concepts and circuits, with an emphasis on designs that are used in scientific experimental setups. The course aims at understanding simple circuits with linear and non-linear elements, passive and active signal filtering, and practical transistor and operational amplifier circuits.
The following topics will be covered:
- Simple circuits: linear and non-linear elements, passive and active elements, potential dividers, filters (integrators, differentiators), resonant (LC) circuits
- Circuit analysis: impedances, Bode plots
- Transistors: p-n junction, bipolar junction transistor, field effect transistors (JFET, MOSFET), transistor circuits (switch, follower, amplifier)
- Op-amps: amplification, feedback, oscillators, practical op-amp circuits, other integrated circuits
Instructional Modes
The theoretic background will be provided in the lecture. During the tutorials, the theoretic analysis and designing of circuits will be practiced via problem sets. During the practical class (attendance is mandatory), you will build and analyze various different circuits by yourself and apply and deepen the theoretic knowledge.
- Complex numbers (Calculus: complexe getallen)
- Lab Work: Practicum 1 (NWI-NP017C) and Practicum 2a (NWI-NB007C)
- Electricity and Magnetism (NWI-NP037)
60% written exam; 40% practical work in the lab course and reports. It is mandatory to minimum score a 5.5 in both the written exam and the practical work.
This course will be taught in English and has a maximum capacity of 24 students.
This course fits within the research theme Condensed Matter Physics