Psychophysics 2
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleNWI-NM050B
Credits (ECTS)6
CategoryMA (Master)
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Science; Wiskunde, Natuur- en Sterrenkunde;
prof. dr. A.J. van Opstal
Other course modules lecturer
prof. dr. A.J. van Opstal
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
prof. dr. A.J. van Opstal
Other course modules lecturer
prof. dr. A.J. van Opstal
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2021
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesYes
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
  • The student is familiar with the main problems in the field of visual and auditory perception 
  • The student is familiar with nonlinear systems analysis of the Volterra and Wiener series approach
  • The student is familair with 3D geometrical principles underlying the kinematics of motor control
  • The student can apply deterministic optimal control (feedforward and feedback) without and with noise.
  • The student has the mathematical skills to develop advanced models to explain recent experimental data in a unified conceptual frame work
The first eight weeks of the course deal with sensorimotor processing (eye movements, eye-head coordination, 3D motor control of the oculomotor system, nonlinear systems analysis (Wiener theory), cochlear mechanics and visual receptive fields. This material is described in a syllabus (Brightspace).
In the second halve of this course we will present the general principles of  state estimation in the brain, and optimal control.
These principles are illustrated by discussing the functional characteristics of the visual system and motor system in man.
In the second part we follow the book of Shadmehr and Mussa-Ivaldi (Chapters 5, 9, 11 and 12)

Instructional Modes
Master level physics (elective course, 6 ec of the master specialisation Neurophysics)
Presumed foreknowledge
Bachelor courses: Neurophysics 1 and 2, Psychofysics 1
Master course: Neurobiophysics
Test information
Home exercises 40%
Written essay 15%
Computer exercises 30%
Presentation 15%

There is no central written exam.
Please contact prof. dr. A.J. van Opstal at j.vanopstal@donders.ru.nl if you plan to do this course.
Required materials
Lecture notes will be made available on Blackboard.
The textbook by R Shadmehr and Mussa-Ivaldi will be made available on Blackboard

Recommended materials
Syllabus and research papers. A.J. van Opstal: The Auditory System and Human Sound Localization Behavior, Elsevier Academic Press, 2016. (see also Psychophysics 1; book can be ordered at 30% discount via the lecturer) This book is also used in the courses Psychophysics 1 (bachelor) and Auditory System (master elective) R Shadmehr and S Mussa-Ivaldi: Biological Learning and Control, MIT Press 2012 This book is also used in the obligatory course Neurobiophysics.

Instructional modes
Course occurrence




Home exercises
Test weight8
Test typeAssignment
OpportunitiesBlock JAAR

Written essay
Test weight3
Test typeEssay
OpportunitiesBlock JAAR

Computer exercises
Test weight6
Test typeAssignment
OpportunitiesBlock JAAR

Test weight3
Test typePresentation
OpportunitiesBlock JAAR