After this course, you will know how ultracold atoms and molecules are created through
Deceleration techniques
Laser cooling
Feshbach association
Evaporative cooling
you will also know the quantum mechanical description of low energy collisions
Scattering length
Effective range
Scattering (Feshbach) resonances
Fermi pseudopotential
and you will know about the applications of cold molecules in
Precision measurement
Quantum technologies
"Ultracold" refers to atoms and molecules that are cooled down to temperatures below 1 microkelvin, a millionth of a degree above absolute zero.
Such low temperatures do not occur naturally -- even in space for example -- but these conditions can be realized in the laboratory.
In this course, we will discover the cooling techniques that enable these experiments, we will learn to describe interactions and collisions between ultracold atoms and molecules quantum mechanically, and we will discuss various unique applications of ultracold matter.
These applications range from precision measurement, to quantum computing and simulations, and often these make connections between AMO and other branches physics, e.g. high energy and condensed matter physics.
Instructional models