Category Theory and Homological Algebra
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleNWI-WB083
Credits (ECTS)6
CategoryBA (Bachelor)
Language of instructionDutch
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Science; Wiskunde, Natuur- en Sterrenkunde;
prof. dr. B.J.J. Moonen
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
prof. dr. B.J.J. Moonen
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2017
KW3-KW4  (05/02/2018 to 02/09/2018)
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesYes
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
After having completed this course, the student should:
* know the principles of category theory
* have seen a large number of examples of categories and functors
* be able to apply the basic principles of category theory in new settings
* be familiar with modules over a ring
* be able to analyse the structure of modules over some particular classes of rings, such as PIDs
* be able to work with free resolutions
* be familiar with the first principle of homological algebra
* be able to carry out calculations with complexes, homotopies of complexes and the calculation of derived functors.
In this course we will give a first introduction to category theory, aimed at mathematicians. This provides us with a uniform langage that is useful to analyse _structures_ regardless of in which branch of maths they appear. As such it is an indispensible tool for further study of pure maths.

In parallel with this we will develop some Algebra, notably the theory of modules over rings. This is of great independent interest but also serves to illustrate many of the categorical notions that we will see.

The two strands are interwoven in the second half of the course, when we will give a first introduction to homological algebra. Here begins a mathematical development that has shaped much mathematics since the 1950s and today is an indispensible tool in many branches of maths.
We are not going to follow one single book. There are several books that are very useful for the course, and most of these are available in digital form, often for free. So we recommend to select pieces from different books.

For the entire course we recommend:

- Lecture notes 'Modules and Categories' by L. Taelman (available on his website)
- The book 'Algebra' by S. Lang (best to use the latest edition at Springer Verlag)

Especially for category theory we additionally recommend:

- The book 'Basic Category Theory' by T. Leinster (Cambridge University Press)
- The book 'Category Theory' by S. Awodey (Clarendon Press)

In addition there are some rather popular youtube videos on category theory by 'the catsters'.

Especially for homological algebra we additionally recommend:

- The lecture notes 'Notes on homological algebra' by I. Moerdijk (available on his website)
- Chapter 1 from Iversen's book 'Cohomology of sheaves'
- (Somewhat harder) The book 'An introduction to homological algebra' by C. Weibel

Teaching formats
Lectures and exercise classes

Additional comments
This course can be taken by bachelor and master students. There are some topics that bachelor students are allowed to skip.

First principles of category theory, including limits and adjunctions
modules over rings
a first introduction to homological algebra
calculation of Ext and Tor-groups of modules, and the meaning of these

Test information
homework assignments
oral exam at the end

We expect a solid background in Algebra, including Group theory and Rings & Fields. It's important to have a general mathematical maturity. It's useful to have seen Topology.

Contact information
Ben Moonen, b.moonen@science.ru.nl

Instructional modes

Test weight1
OpportunitiesBlock KW4, Block KW4