- You recognize and understand the key themes in developing and designing a research project.
- You define and delineate a research question within one of the three thematic specializations: Decolonizing diversity in a polarized world; Ecological livelihoods and environmental justice; Grassroots initiatives, development and the state.
- You identify and explain epistemological and ethical dilemmas in relation to your research problem and develop culturally sensitive ways to approach and address these.
- You develop a research proposal that includes a well-defined and delineated research question, a selection of appropriate research methods, a critical reflection and a sensible planning, and communicate this in both oral and written form.
In this course, you review key themes, and methodological and ethical dilemmas regarding the development and design of a research project, whilst simultaneously learning how to deal with those in the design of your own research project. You develop a research proposal through reconsidering and redefining your own research plans systematically.
Themes that will be examined and discussed concern the conceptualization of the field, access and selection of informants, rapport, validity and reflexivity, triangulation, and so on. The lens through which to discuss these key themes is the dynamic exchange between researcher and research participants.
At the same time, you apply the approaches and make choices with which you are confronted in the development of your own research project. Together with other students, you break down the various aspects of the empirical cycle into manageable proportions, including defining a research problem, constructing appropriate and feasible research questions, operationalizing the central theoretical concepts and designing an analytical strategy. Under the close supervision of the lecturers and with peer-review, small groups of students discuss the progress towards the draft of the research proposal on a regular basis.
- Assignments and excercises
- Submit a draft research proposal in week 51
- Submit the final research proposal in week 2 of the New Year
The assessment of this course is based on the following components:
- Attendance and active participation during the meetings/seminars
- Assignments
- The final research proposal