Programming 1
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleSOW-BKI131
Credits (ECTS)3
CategoryB1 (First year bachelor)
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Social Sciences; Artificial Intelligence;
dr. F.A. Grootjen
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
dr. F.A. Grootjen
Other course modules lecturer
dr. F.A. Grootjen
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2020
PER1  (01/09/2020 to 01/11/2020)
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesYes
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
After (successfully) completing this course, the student is able to:
  • Understand and explain source code.
  • Implement algorithms and give a plausible argumentation about its correctness.
  • Design classes and methods for complex algorithms.
  • Write maintainable source code (with clear structure / good naming / appropiate abstration / sufficient documentation).
  • Assert the quality of software (by reasoning as well as testing). 
Using a systematic method the students learns to program (in Java) using primitive and composed classes. For the primitive classes, the standard methods and operations are discussed and analyzed. 

Designing, implementing and testing your program are essential skills that only can be acquired by doing it yourself. This is why the practical sessions have an important role during this course. You will prepare your assignments with a (fixed) programming partner and together create a solution during the practical sessions. Tips and hints to solve the assignments will be presented during the tutorial lectures. Teaching assistants will help you during the practical sessions. After handing in your assignment, they will grade it and give constructive feedback to improve your programming skills. 

Teaching formats:
  • 32 hours computer practical sessions
  • 16 hours lecture
  • 8 hours tutorial lecture
  • 28 hours self study
Presumed foreknowledge

Test information
Written exam 100% and practical assignments bonus 10%.
To participate in the exam the result of the practical assignments should be sufficient.
Please sign up for any course at (, it is obligatory.

Students who are enrolled for a course are also provisionally registered for the exam. Pay attention: participation in the exam is only possible if all relevant conditions laid down nin the EER are met. Students who, after being checked are found not to meet these conditions, shall be excluded from the exam. In that case participation is possible on special grounds and with a permit written by the student counselor. 

Re-examination: register at ( until five days prior to the date of the exam.

We urge you to always read the course information on Brightspace. There are courses for which you are obliged to register for tutorials and/or practicals
Required materials
Course material
Course material will be made available in Brightspace.

Instructional modes

Attendance is advised.
16 hours lecture

Practical computer training
Attendance MandatoryYes

32 hours computer practical sessions


Attendance is advised.
8 hours tutorial lecture


28 hours self-study

Test weight1
Test typeExam
OpportunitiesBlock PER1, Block PER2