*IMPORTANT NOTE*: This course is only meant for pre-master students AI and BSc students AI who passed Academic Skills 1, but failed Academic Skills 2. For both of these groups, we assume their level of writing is sufficient that they do not have the follow the meetings of the default Academic Reading & Writing course, but only need to do the test. Hence the name of the course: Academic Reading and Writing Test.
Reading and writing are core qualities for any academically trained individual, both for professional and academic careers. Moreover, it is critical for achieving success in your studies, as many follow-up courses expect you to read papers and write assignments, papers and essays. And even though this course focuses on academic writing, the general writing skills are applicable in any profession and academic writing can be regarded an example of high level, relatively formal, writing. That is, mastering academic writing will improve all your professional writing.
One might be concerned about the value of the writing skill in the day and age of Large Language Models (LLMs, ChatGPT, Bard, etc.). The skill of writing is still relevant for at least three reasons:
- Writing requires structured thinking, which is required for any high level job and for example also for programming. That is, writing trains thinking.
- Still new original texts need to be written and the output of LLMs needs to be judged, for which writing skills are essential.
- In many context, especially in university, use of LLMs to generate texts is prohibited and considered to be plagiarism.
To train this independent writing, without digital aids, the course exam involves writing the introduction of a paper, based on literature you read, individually in an exam room. In this way, each student is challenged to improve their writing skills over the duration of the course, and each student is individually tested on their skills.
In the test-version of the course, there is no guided preparation. You will get a range of AI literature to read during the course, which serve as basis for the the final exam. The literature will most likely be linked to contents of the Introduction AI course. As supportive material, you can acquire a deck of cards with writing tips, currently being developed.
The final grade is determined based on only the final exam score.
Note: the course is currently being newly developed, so details in the setup can still change.
In this course, you will improve your skills to:
- to read academic papers yourself,
- to build a structure for an argumentation,
- to write academically, as indicative of a high level of of professional writing
- to give appropriate credit where credit is due, in academic writing and other assignments, as core quality of an academic, and not (accidently) commit plagiarism.
Please sign up for any course at (https://portal.ru.nl/home), it is obligatory.
Students who are enrolled for a course are also provisionally registered for the exam.
Resit: Manual register at (https://portal.ru.nl/home) until five working days prior to the date of the exam. No delayed registration is possible.
We urge you to always read the course information on Brightspace.