Capita Selecta Cognitive Neuroscience
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleSOW-DGCN40
Credits (ECTS)6
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Social Sciences; Cognitive Neuroscience;
dr. A.R. Koning
Other course modules lecturer
dr. A.R. Koning
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
dr. A.R. Koning
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2018
JAAR  (03/09/2018 to 31/08/2019)
Starting block
Course mode
RemarksThis course is for CNS students only.
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesNo
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
This course provides students with an opportunity to specialize in a cognitive neuroscience topic of their choice. The aim is to provide additional training, not provided elsewhere in the programme, at a theoretical, computational and/or methodological level to become a specialist in the chosen domain.

Students may propose elective coursework equivalent to 6 EC (1 EC equals 28 hours) by formulating a properly argumented proposal to conduct a theoretical, computational or empirical study into one of their areas of interest, supervised by a senior staff member of the Donders Graduate School. Note that besides the content, the proposal should also make clear the specific educational aims as well as the final assessment. In addition, in order for the proposal to be accepted, the content  of the course should not be dealt with in other CNS courses; any overlap with other CNS courses should be made explicit. Finally, a detailed time schedule of the course should also be included. Important: If you intend to do the Capita Selecta course, contact the course coordinator prior to the start of the work associated with the content of the proposal. Proposals that contain a schedule in retrospect will not be accepted.
Required materials
Recent publications in high-impact cognitive neuroscience journals.

Instructional modes
Attendance MandatoryYes

The lecturer involved in the Capita Selecta proposal of the student specifies the didactical approach that will be followed, which can either be standard coursework related methods or research activities, modeling, and/or computational theoretical work.

Test weight1
Test typeProject
OpportunitiesBlock JAAR, Block JAAR