To obtain an overview on human-robot interaction and cognitive robotics in general, including actual robotics research at the Donders Institute, and to obtain hands-on experience with cognitive architectures for robots and robot simulation software. |
The course will cover the state of the art in cognitively inspired robotics and cognitive architectures. It will cover examples from, amongst others, human-robot interaction, social robotics, and developmental robotics. It further gives an introduction to Nengo, a general framework for cognitive architectures using spiking neural networks that can run on neuromorphic hardware. |
Programming skills in Python will be useful in this course.
For the first part of the course, you will write a popular-science-magazine-style opinion article about current research in Cognitive Robotics.
For the second part of the course, you will implement a cognitive agent which solves given tasks. You will document your solution in a report.
Both the opinion article and the report need to score a passing grade. A failed component can be resubmitted once improved given the feedback obtained, with the grade capped at 7.
Please sign up for any course at (, it is obligatory.
Students who are enrolled for a course are also provisionally registered for the exam.
Resit: Manual register at ( until five working days prior to the date of the exam. No delayed registration is possible.
We urge you to always read the course information on Brightspace.