Learning processes
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleSOW-OWKM070
Credits (ECTS)4
CategoryMA (Master)
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Social Sciences; Education;
dr. N. Janssen
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
prof. dr. A.W. Lazonder
Other course modules lecturer
prof. dr. A.W. Lazonder
Other course modules lecturer
prof. dr. A.W. Lazonder
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2018
1  (03/09/2018 to 04/11/2018)
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesNo
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
  • Students have broadened and deepened bachelor-level knowledge concerning psychological aspects of learning processes and memory.
  • Students have broadened and deepened bachelor-level knowledge about the research methods used to study learning processes.
  • Students can explain the relationship between, on the one hand, fundamental research on learning and memory, and, on the other, the learning processes that take place in regular classrooms.
  • Students can explore, analyse and nuance the problems associated with attempts to bridge between different domains and disciplines (e.g. with respect to different definitions of "learning processes” in those domains and disciplines).
This course is about learning processes – those that take place in the brain and those that take place in the classroom. While these are of course ultimately the same thing, it is not necessarily the case that the controlled circumstances under which learning processes are studied by cognitive psychologists can readily be equated with the (sometimes messy) situation in regular classrooms where educational scientists examine learning processes. This course examines these two perspectives on learning, aims to bridge between them, and explores the challenges that come with this bridging activity. These issues will be addressed by focusing on different aspects of learning and memory at different stages of development with a core focus on childhood years. Within each topic, attempts will be made to combine insights from cognitive psychology and educational science. The first part of the course will cover more fundamental aspects of learning and memory.  In the second part, the focus will shift to more applied topics that have explicit links to specific school subjects, such as mathematics, language and science.
Assumed previous knowledge
De opleiding controleert of aan de ingangseisen is voldaan

Required materials
To be announced
Scientific articles

Instructional modes

Test weight1
Test typeExam
OpportunitiesBlock 1, Block 2