Behaviour & Environment 2: Behaviour in Organisations
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleSOW-PSB2BE10EA
Credits (ECTS)4
CategoryB2 (Second year bachelor)
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Social Sciences; Psychology;
PreviousNext 5
dr. E.H. Bijleveld
Other course modules lecturer
prof. dr. S.A.E. Geurts
Other course modules lecturer
dr. Y.J.L. Griep
Other course modules lecturer
dr. Y.J.L. Griep
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
dr. Y.J.L. Griep
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2021
PER2  (08/11/2021 to 28/01/2022)
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISNo
Course open to students from other facultiesNo
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
Upon completion of this course:
  1. You will know what Work & Organizational Psychology involves and how this scientific-professional field has  developed historically.
    Upon completion of this course (part A and B):
    1. You will know what Work & Organizational Psychology involves and how this scientific-professional field has developed historically.
    2. You will have knowledge and understanding of the methods and instruments available within personnel psychology, which can be applied to achieve an optimal fit between the individual and the job.
    3. You can use insights from relevant leadership and organisational theories to explain how work behaviour is influenced by the structure and culture of an organisation, as well as group processes and management style.
    4. You can use insights into relevant theories of work and health psychology as a basis for explaining how work behaviour and health are related to each other, what work stress entails, and why chronic stress is unhealthy.
    5. You can use insights into relevant motivational theories as a basis for explaining what work motivation entails,  and what motivational principles can be applied to optimise the behaviour of working people.
    6. You have knowledge of social-psychological influence techniques, such as those employed in advertising and information campaigns.
    7. You can apply specific diagnostic instruments in the field of work and health and produce a professional-quality report on your findings.
    8. You have insight at a basic level into a number of activities and dilemmas encountered by Work & Organizational psychologists.

The course Behaviour and Environment 2 consists of two parts: part A (4 EC) and part B (1 EC). These two parts are offered simultaneously, course part B is the practical assignment ‘Work and Health Analysis’.

How do we prevent work stress and burnout? What motivates people at work? What is the right balance between leadership and employee autonomy? These questions (and many others) will be addressed in the Behaviour & Environment 2 course. The focus of this course is the work behaviour and perception of work that people have within organisations.

Employee behaviour is of great importance to an organisation’s success. However, employee behaviour does not occur in isolated cases; it is influenced by (and, in turn, it has an influence on) the direct psychosocial and physical work environment and the wider organisational setting. Through the series of lectures offered in this course, you will learn about important concepts, theories, methods and research findings from the field of Work & Organisational psychology (W&O psychology). Therefore, the following topics will be addressed:
  1. Work and work behaviour
  2. Job analysis, selection and assessment
  3. Organisations, groups and leadership
  4. Work, stress and health
  5. Work motivation
  6. Behaviour change, prevention and intervention
During a series of interactive practical seminars, which will be given by experts from professional fields, you will learn how to apply this knowledge in order to achieve a positive influence on the behaviour and work environment of employees within organisations.

Exam information:

Multiple choice exam (in English).

Presumed foreknowledge
Admission to the second year (B2).
Test information

Core Themes in Psychology can only be taken by Psychology students from the Radboud University only.

Please note: Due to possible unexpected events or measures involving the corona-crisis, (parts of) this course may be adapted / changed / or skipped.
Contact information
Contact us by email to: Please adhere to the email etiquette:

Required materials
Spector, P.E. (2019). Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Research and Practice, 7th Edition, EMEA Edition

Instructional modes
Type of instructional modeLecture

Lectures and Interactive lectures by professionals from the discipline

Question-and-answer seminar
Type of instructional modeResponse course

Type of instructional modeSelf study

Independent literature study

Test weight1
Test typeDigital exam with CIRRUS
OpportunitiesBlock PER2, Block PER3, Block PER4