Clinical Assessment and Decision Making
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleSOW-PSB3DH23E
Credits (ECTS)4
CategoryB3 (Third year bachelor)
Language of instructionDutch, English
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Social Sciences; Psychology;
PreviousNext 3
prof. dr. R.P.C. Kessels
Other course modules lecturer
drs. C.M.S. Martina
Other course modules lecturer
drs. C.M.S. Martina
Other course modules lecturer
dr. S.E.M.J. Stoltz
Other course modules lecturer
dr. S.E.M.J. Stoltz
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2022
SEM1  (05/09/2022 to 27/01/2023)
Starting block
Course mode
RemarksPositive BSA required
Registration using OSIRISNo
Course open to students from other facultiesNo
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
After this course you will have general knowledge of psychological assessment in clinical practice. Also you will acquire hands-on experience with clinical test methods in a series of practical sessions. More specifically, you:
-          Have theoretical knowledge of psychological assessment (FQ 1, 3),
-          Have insight into psychological assessment in clinical practice (FQ 1, 3, 5, 6),
-          Know, understand and can use clinical test methods (FQ 3, 5, 6),
-          Can reflect on your own competencies, professional knowledge and skills and professional attitude in psychological assessment (FQ 6).
Psychological assessment is crucial to the practice of professional psychology as it is necessary to understand peoples psychological problems. Did you know that fully 91% of all practicing psychologists engage in assessment? Did you know that  of 64% of all nonacademic advertisements listed assessment as an important prerequisite? Did you realize that assessment is more than just testing? Did you know that assessment is more than simply placing a diagnostic label on a person? Did you know that a good assessor is like a good detective?
Assessment is a decision-making process in which the assessor iteratively formulates and tests hypotheses by integrating information collected from a number of sources in a dynamic fashion.  A competent scientifically minded assessor is one who has adequate knowledge about tests and their psychometric properties, but also a comprehensive understanding of the science underlying human behavior. For example, a competent assessor must understand psychopathology, neuropsychology, health psychology, and developmental psychology in order to guide decisions about the appropriate questions to ask and the appropriate (test) data to gather for a particular client and a particular assessment goal. Also, a competent assessor needs well-developed clinical skills for gathering data, interpreting and integrating data, and presenting the interpretations and implications to clients and other professionals. 
This course will cover both the theoretical knowledge of psychological assessment as well as a broad range of assessment practices useful for clinical practice. The lectures will focus on the theoretical knowledge of and insight into the assessment process. The practical training is concerned with psychological tests which are used to assess cognitive development and functioning in diverse settings. More specifically, you will learn basic assessment skills for administering, interpreting and integrating (test) data, and presenting and communicating assessment results, as well as the implications, to a client and to other professionals. Finally, you will increase your reflection on these skills.
This course is required in order to fulfill the requirements for the Basic Psychodiagnostics Certificate (Basisaantekening Psychodiagnostiek; BAPD).

  • Exam: 30 Multiple choice questions; theoretical knowledge and insight.
  • Individual report on integration, interpretation and communication of clinical assessment results; application.
  • Reflection on basic clinical assessment skills (formative assessment in digital portfolio).
  • Active participation (formative assessment).
A passing mark for both the MC exam and the individual report, as well as for the formative assessments is a prerequisite for successful completion of this course.  

Presumed foreknowledge
Only Psychology students of the Radboud University will be admitted to Clinical Assessment.
Enrolment for this course is open once you obtained professional skills and have attended Conversational Skills for Psychologists.
Test information
  • Exam: 10 open questions (English); theoretical knowledge and insight (50% of the final grade)
  • Individual report on integration, interpretation and communication of clinical assessment results; application (50% of the final grade).
  • Reflection on basic clinical assessment skills (formative assessment in digital portfolio).
  • Active participation (formative assessment).
A passing mark for both the open question exam and the individual report , as well as for the formative assessments is a prerequisite for successful completion of this course.

Required materials
Title:Clinical Assessment: Psychodiagnostic Decision Making.
Author:Witteman, C., van der Heijden, P., & Claes, C.I. (2018).
Publisher:Utrecht: De Tijdstroom.
Also available in Dutch, for students in the Dutch track
Title:Skills in psychodiagnostics
Author:Prof. dr. Henk T. van der Molen, Henk Schmidt, Eveline Osseweijer, Janneke Oostrom, Benjamin de Boer, Manon de Jong
Publisher:Boom uitgevers Amsterdam

Instructional modes
Lab course
Attendance MandatoryYes
Type of instructional modeLab course

Four practicum sessions (3 x 90 min, 1 x 165 min); attendance mandatory

Attendance MandatoryYes
Type of instructional modeLecture

Five lectures (2 x 45 min); attendance mandatory.

Attendance MandatoryYes
Type of instructional modeSelf study

Self-Study: mandatory.

Working group
Attendance MandatoryYes
Type of instructional modeWorking group

Open answer exam
Test weight1
Test typeDigital exam with CIRRUS
OpportunitiesBlock HER, Block SEM1, Block SEM2

Psychodiagnostic report
Test weight1
Test typePaper
OpportunitiesBlock SEM1, Block SEM2

Individ. report on integration, interpretation & communic. of clinic. assessm. results; application (40% of final grade)

Reflection Psychodiagn. decision making
Test weight0
OpportunitiesBlock SEM1, Block SEM2

Reflection on basic clinical assessment skills (formative assessment in digital portfolio).