dr. J.G. van den Born (Riyan)

Universitair hoofddocent - Institute for Science in Society

dr. J.G. van den Born (Riyan)

Heyendaalseweg 135
Interne postcode: 77


Postbus 9010

Werkdagen maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag

Riyan van den Born is associate professor Socio-Ecological interactions and studies human-nature relationships and societal aspects of nature conservation and water management. Despite many efforts, biodiversity is still declining. Successful nature conservation needs public support and connectivity to nature and motivations to act for nature are crucial components for that. Riyan has been working on an EU projects investigating motivations to act for nature (FP7 BIOMOT), citizen science and environmental citizenship (H2020 EnviroCitizen) and is coordinator of H2020 FLOW on youth perspectives on oceans. National projects are about motivations of green volunteers, citizen scientists (biodiversity monitoring) Since December 2018, she is director of the Centre for Connecting Human and Nature. In this research centre, financed by several nature organisations in the Netherlands, research focus on connectedness to nature over the life course for engaged citizenship.

Characteristic publications:

- Riyan J.G. van den Born, Arts, B., Admiraal, J., Beringer, A., Knights, P., Molinario, E., Polajnar Horvat, K., Porras-Gomez, C., Smrekar, A., Soethe, N., Vivero-Pol, J.L., Ganzevoort, W., Bonaiuto, M., Knippenberg, L., De Groot, W.T. (2017). The missing pillar in the justification of nature conservation. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, special issue
- Admiraal J.F., Van den Born, R.J.G., Beringer, A., Bonaiuto, F., Cicero, L., Hiedanpää, L., Knights, P., Knippenberg, L., Molinario, E., Musters,C.J.M., Naukkarinen, O., Polajnar, K., Popa, F., Smrekar, A., Soininen, T., Porras-Gomez, C., Soethe, N., Vivero-Pol, J.L., de Groot, W.T. (2017) Motivations for committed nature conservation action in Europe. Environmental Conservation 44(2) 148-157.
- Ganzevoort, W., Van den Born, R.J.G., Halffman, W., Turnhout, S. (2017) Sharing biodiversity data: citizen scientists’ concerns and motivations. Biodiversity & Conservation Volume 26, Issue 12, pp 2821–2837.