dr. K. Burzynska (Katarzyna)
Universitair docent - Bedrijfseconomie
- katarzyna.burzynska@ru.nl
Heyendaalseweg 141
Postbus 9108
Katarzyna Burzynska joined the Department of Economics as an Assistant Professor in July 2015. She earned her Ph.D. in Economics from Lund University, Sweden. During her Ph.D. studies she spent eight months as a visiting scholar at the Institute of Economics at Academia Sinica, Taiwan. She completed two master's degrees at Lund University, one in Business and Economics (Major in International Economics with a Focus on China) and one in Finance. She is currently also affiliated with the Knut Wicksell Centre for Financial Studies at Lund University.
Her research is multidisciplinary in nature and mainly draws upon social network perspective to explain the behavior and outcomes of individuals and organizations. Her recent multidisciplinary research projects focus on interorganizational healthcare networks, corporate director networks, power dynamics and gender, climate actions, and the socioeconomic effects of tourism networks. Her work has led to publications in peer-reviewed journals across different fields, such as The Lancet, Management and Organization Review, PLOS One and Journal of Travel Research. Her research has been regularly supported by competitive funding and research grants.