dr. C.W. Coopmans (Cas)
Postdoc - Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
Postdoc - Language and Computation in Neural Systems
Kapittelweg 29
Postbus 9101
I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Language and Computation in Neural Systems group at the Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, where I work with dr. Andrea E. Martin. My primary research interest lies at the intersection of theoretical linguistics, psycholinguistics, and cognitive neuroscience – specifically that part of the intersection that deals with our knowledge and representation of syntax. In my current research, I use both behavioral and neuroscientific methods (EEG, MEG) in order to study how we infer hierarchically structured (syntactic) representations from linearly structured, word-by-word language input. In previous research, I have worked on the comprehension of anaphora in discourse.