dr. ir. V. de Gooyert (Vincent)
Universitair hoofddocent - Methoden
Heyendaalseweg 141
Postbus 9108
Dr. Vincent de Gooyert is Associate Professor at Radboud University. His research and teaching revolve around increasing understanding of, as well as intervening in, societal transformations towards sustainability. Vincent is trained both as an engineer and as a sociologist, and his work often aims to transcend disciplines, using and contributing to methods on stakeholder engagement, system dynamics, and socio-technical transitions.
Vincent was a visiting scholar at the MIT Sloan School of Management and Schulich School of Business, York University. His work is published in journals such as Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, System Dynamics Review, and International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. As a parttime associate of the Next Generation Infrastructures consortium he regularly collaborates with organizations such as Rijkswaterstaat, Vitens, Port of Rotterdam, Schiphol group, Alliander, Vitens, and ProRail.
- Societal transformations towards sustainability