dr. ing. M. Kaboli (Mohsen)

Medewerker - Donders Centre for Neuroscience - Neurobiology
Medewerker - Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour

Dr. Mohsen Kaboli is an Assistant Professor and lead for Robotics, AI, and Tactile Intelligence at BMW Group in Germany and the Donders Institute for Brain and Cognition at Radboud University in the Netherlands since September 2018. He is the director and principal investigator of the Robotic and Tactile Intelligence Group Lab (RoboTac), and his research interests lie at the intersection of robotics, interactive perception, machine learning, and control, applied to problems in mobile robotics, robotic grasping and manipulation, and human-robot interaction and collaboration. Dr. Kaboli is a principal investigator of several European-funded research projects, such as INTUITIVE (Tactile User Interface), iNavigate (Brain Inspired Perception for Navigation and Mobility), SmartNets, and others. Previously, he was a group leader of tactile robotics and a postdoctoral research fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany, from September 2017 to August 2018. He received his Ph.D. degree with the highest distinction (summa cum laude) in robotics, focusing on tactile perception and learning in robotics, from TUM in 2017. He was awarded the best European Ph.D. thesis prize in robotics, Georges Giralt Ph.D. Award (finalist). Dr. Kaboli is the inventor/co-inventor of approximately 20 patents and the author of approximately 40 journals, proceedings, and editorials. His research over the past 10 years has bridged several research domains, with the most important ones being tactile intelligence, AI, and robotics. This has also been acknowledged by the IEEE, as he was named an IEEE Senior Member in 2018 for his "contributions in AI and Robotics."

Research Interests :

Artificial Intelligence
Robotics & RoboT Learning
Tactile Intelligence
Cognitive Systems
Visuo-Tactile based
Grasp and Object Manipulation
Visuo-Tactile Transfer Learning and Cross Modal Perception
Intelligent Human Vehicle Iteration
Cognitive Systems



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