dr. D. Kersten (Dennis)

Universitair docent - Departement Moderne talen en culturen
Universitair docent - Radboud Institute for Culture and History

dr. D. Kersten (Dennis)

Dr Dennis Kersten specializes in literature in English, particularly British fiction from the late-nineteenth century onwards. His current research focuses on (the reception of) literary Metamodernism and the question how contemporary life writing, especially the biographical genre, is responding to the perceived demise of Postmodernism. He is a member of the steering committee of the international and interdisciplinary AHRC-funded "Metamodernism" network (2018-2019 and 2021-2023).

His dissertation, Travels with Fiction in the Field of Biography: Writing the Lives of Three Nineteenth-Century Authors (2011), dealt with the fictionalisation of the life stories of Henry James, Robert Louis Stevenson and Oscar Wilde. He has published in various journals on biofiction and rockstar memoir since. He is the reviews editor of the European Journal of Life Writing.

Dennis Kersten teaches in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures at Radboud University. He is Chair of the MA Literary Studies.

He gives public lectures about his research as well as related topics such as British history and (popular) culture.

  • Metamodernisme, life writing


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