J.G.G.M.A. Kielstra (Jolique) MSc
Medewerker - Radboud Docenten Academie
Erasmusplein 1
Postbus 9103
Enhancing collaborative task-oriented reading in vocational secondary schools
For my thesis I aim to enhance task-oriented reading in vocational secondary school students via reciprocal peer tutoring (RPT) with an ICT-tool in four integrated studies. The first study examines how RPT influences the use of task-oriented reading strategies during a learning task. The second study focuses on the application of reading strategies in response to task complexity. The third study examines the influence of an ICT tool on RPT in perspective of the development of correct task representations, strategy selection and awareness of reading strategies. In addition, the fourth study investigates the effects of the ICT tool on students’ individual task-oriented reading.