J.J.A. Kofi (Jamea) MSc
Promovendus - Sociale Geografie
Heyendaalseweg 141
Postbus 9108
Jamea Kofi is a PhD student at the department of Geography, Planning and Environment (GPE). She is a member of the multidisciplinary research team of the JPI Urban Europe project 'Infrastructuring Libraries in Transformation' (ILIT). This project comprises a comparative ethnographic study of the transformative capacity of libraries in the Netherlands, Austria and Sweden. In her PhD research Jamea compares two libraries in Rotterdam, considering the social infrastructure of libraries during austerity urbanism.
Jamea received her bachelor's and master's degree in Cultural Anthropology at Utrecht University. She is interested in topics surrounding mobility, migration, identity formation, in- and exclusion, decolonization, place-making, intersectionality and infrastructure, while combining traditional ethnographic methods with creative ones.