dr. K.W. Mulder (Klaas)
Universitair hoofddocent - Molecular Developmental Biology
Klaas Mulder obtained a PhD in molecular biology and biochemistry studying the chromatin and transcription regulation at the University of Utrecht. During his post-doctoral work in Cambridge (UK), Mulder developed and applied functional genomics approaches to investigate human epidermal stem cells and cancer, before starting his independent lab in 2012, supported by funding from the EU and a prestigious NWO VIDI grant. In recent years, his research group invented several innovative single-cell genomics technologies, including RNA and Immuno-Detection (RAID), a unique approach that allows simultaneous transcriptome-wide RNA quantification and intracellular (phospho-)protein measurements using antibody-DNA conjugates. Science in the Mulder lab is inherently interdisciplinary, incorporating aspects of molecular cell biology, bioinformatics and chemistry and is currently supported by grants from ZonMW and KWF. Mulder will direct the newly established Radboud Single-cell Center and has served as consultant/advisor and key opinion leader for several (single-cell) biotechnology companies.