prof. dr. P. Ortolani (Pietro)
Hoogleraar - Interdisciplinary Hub for Digitalization and Society
Hoogleraar - Vaksectie Burgerlijk Recht
Montessorilaan 10
Postbus 9049
Pietro Ortolani is a Professor of Digital Conflict Resolution. He holds a law degree from the University of Pisa and a Ph.D. in arbitration from LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome. Before joining Radboud University, he was a Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law, a Research Associate at the University of Pisa and a Law Research Associate at Queen Mary, University of London.
Pietro is admitted to the Bar in Italy and he also works as a practitioner, mainly in the field of arbitration. He has experience in both ad hoc and institutional arbitration. He has acted as an expert for the European Parliament and the European Commission. Pietro has published in many peer-reviewed international journals, including the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, the Journal of International Dispute Settlement and the Leiden Journal of International Law. He regularly acts as reviewer for a wide range of international journals and publishers.
In 2016 Pietro won the James Crawford Prize, awarded by the Journal of International Dispute Settlement and Oxford University Press.
In 2014 Pietro has contributed to a European Parliament Study concerning the legal instruments and practice of arbitration in the EU.